command:get-help * -parameter ComputerName. To determine whether the –ComputerName parameter of a particular cmdlet requires Windows PowerShell remoting, display the parameter description by typingget-help CmdletName -parameter ComputerName, where CmdletName is the actual name of the cmdlet, such ...
Create a resource group in Azure and grant the workload identity access To create a resource group and grant your workload identity access to it, run this Azure PowerShell command in the Visual Studio Code terminal: Azure PowerShell $resourceGroup=New-AzResourceGroup...
Step(s) to reproduce: mkvirtualenv foo workon foo Output: none The setprojectdir . command outputs the following: ERROR: A virtualenv must be activated. Pass in a full or relative path to the project directory. If the directory doesn't e...
TaskCommandMode TaskCommandRestrictions TaskCompletedEvent TaskDefinition TaskDefinitionEndpoint TaskDefinitionReference TaskDefinitionReference TaskDefinitionStatus TaskEvent TaskExecution TaskGroup TaskGroupCreateParameter TaskGroupDefinition TaskGroupExpands TaskGroupPublishPreviewParameter TaskGroupQueryOrder TaskGroupRestor...
PowerShell 复制 New-CsCallViaWorkPolicy [-Identity] <XdsIdentity> [-AdminCallbackNumber <String>] [-Confirm] [-Enabled <Boolean>] [-Force] [-InMemory] [-Tenant <Guid>] [-UseAdminCallbackNumber <Boolean>] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]...
Delete devices for the user. Use Windows PowerShell scripts to identify devices and to delete devices that are associated with a user. Increase the Registered Device Quota value. Sign in to your AD FS server. Run Windows PowerShell as an elevated administrator. Run the follow...
Note:If you have the OneDrive sync app but the shared folder doesn't sync to your computer, you might have selective sync turned on. This isn't common, but to fix it, find the OneDrive cloud icon in the Windows notification area (if you use a Mac, g...
Linux命令行可以通过Samba协议访问Windows文件共享,实现在Linux系统中通过命令行对Windows文件进行操作。 1. 首先,确保Linux系统已经安装了Samba软件包。可以通过运行以下命令进行安装: “` sudo apt-get install samba “` 2. 在Linux系统中,创建一个用于挂载Windows共享目录的本地目录。可以使用以下命令创建一个目录:...
like systems, you can write shell scripts on Windows too. Windows provides command prompt and PowerShell, which support scripting using batch files and PowerShell scripts, respectively. These scripting languages have their own syntax and features, enabling you to automate tasks on the Windows ...
“`shell thunar ~/Desktop “` 这将打开文件管理器并导航到桌面目录。 3. 使用xdg-open命令打开桌面目录。xdg-open是一个通用的命令,它可以打开各种文件和URL。运行以下命令: “`shell xdg-open ~/Desktop “` 这将使用系统默认的文件管理器打开桌面目录。 无论您选择哪种方法,都应该能够通过命令行打开桌面文...