Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study. Conflict of Interest The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to disclose. Additional information Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published...
The health of female sex workers from three industry sectors in Queensland, Australia Previous studies have reported poor mental health amongst sex workers without distinguishing the context in which commercial sex is provided. This study de... C Seib,J Fischer,JM Najman - 《Social Science & Medi...
Work in Motion / Assessment at Rest: An Attitudinal Study of Academic Reference Librarians A Case Study at MidSize University (MSU A). 2006.Bella Karr Gerlich, Work in Motion/Assessment at Rest: An Attitudinal Study of Academic Reference Librarians, A Case Study at Mid-Size University (MSU ...
This chapter presents a comprehensive overview of the cultural practices and prevailing global regulatory frameworks that surround the exchange of sex or sexualized intimacy for money or something of value. Following a discussion regarding the origins of
Work & Power in Rotational Motion Browse by Courses Natural Sciences for Teachers: Professional Development ILTS Science - Environmental Science (242) Study Guide and Test Prep Holt McDougal Earth Science: Online Textbook Help Holt Physical Science: Online Textbook Help ...
The study on the promotion of work mechanism of students' scientific researches for school of computer science 来自 学术范 喜欢 0 阅读量: 29 作者:Q Li,L Pan,Y Xiang 摘要: This paper concentrates on student research in universities, especially after the strategy of control in our college ...
In this study, the kinetic and gravitational potential energy of the centre of mass of the whole human body was measured (using a force platform) simultaneously with calculation of the kinetic and potential energy of the body segments due to their movements relative to the body centre of mass ...
Seven in 10 workers say they struggle to maintain work-life balance. 出自-2016年12月阅读原文 Part of the work-life issue has to talk about uncertainty about the future. 出自-2016年12月阅读原文 Of the 300 employees participating in the study, those who experienced high levels of telepressure ...
A greater understanding of the type and level of activity assists in informing workload models. The aim of this study was to describe and analyse the work activities of bedside Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurses during the day shift. Time and motion observational methodology was used to observe...
图书Studyguide for Health Promotion in the Workplace by Odonnell, ISBN 9780766828667 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐