If you don't promote your work, you will neither be able to obtain the full credit for it, or build credibility to be awarded more work. Sometimes, people who aren't in an external sales role feel they shouldn't need to promote themselves because their customers are their colleagues ...
Data Science Workstation: Superpowers Included As a data scientist, you spend most of your time wrangling medium and large data sets in CPU-intensive Python libraries and algorithms - this brings most workstations to their knees. That's because your workstation is probably overbuilt for m...
Curated papers, articles, and blogs on data science & machine learning in production. ⚙️ Figuring out how to implement your ML project? Learn how other organizations did it: How the problem is framed 🔎(e.g., personalization as recsys vs. search vs. sequences) What machine learning...
It’s in the data science hierarchy of needs that acquiring data will take up a bigger chunk of your time: On the other hand, there are challenges in data governance which are difficult to surpass: Locating data. The majority of companies have data dispersed across different silos. ...
In subject area:Computer Science Data integration work involves acquiring data from various sources and making it accessible for decision support systems. It includes methods such as manual integration from patient records, data warehouse connections, and dataflow analysis with Health Information Systems (...
Sharing, accessing & analyzing earth science data in a GIS are essential to understanding our biggest environmental challenges. Build solutions that address challenges and keep everyone informed.
Opens in a new tab The Microsoft Research Data Science Outreach Program engages with academic researchers and universities through an ecosystem of resources and partnerships to drive breakthrough impact. Microsoft Research Redmond is pleased to convene a workshop in Redmond to bring together Micr...
Z by HP Workstations inYour Field Engineered for complex workflows and AI development. IT Professionals Equip your workforce with highly secure, upgradable Z by HP Workstations and award-winning tech to make their workflow seamless. ...
Learn what are the top 5 data science companies that you could be with, in 2024. Some of teh top companies are IBM, Wipro, Cloudera. Splunk and Numerator.
environment and are looking to couple data science and analytics to a wider range of our technical practices. The NVIDIA-powered AI workstation promises to ease the transition…[with] well-designed software and highly performant hardware it provides 20X and higher speed-ups in our analytics work....