Eye-trackers provide information that can and have been used in adaptive environments (Merten2005), such as AdeLE (Adaptive e-Learning Environment) (Gutl et al.2005), e5Learning (Calvi et al.2008), I-NET (Interactive Neuro-Educational Technology) (Raphael et al.2009a), and PPT (peak perf...
All Special IssuesA Precarious World in Uncertain Times: The Impact of Job Insecurity, Employment Precarity and Life Uncertainty on Individual, Organizational and Social Well-Being in the Present-Day WorldActual Debate on Comorbidity between Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disor...
The immersion was created through AR by augmenting real scenes with multimedia learning material of sounds, images, or video clips. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017, 6, 355 4 of 17 A static field trip map indicating Point of Interests (POIs) was integrated as learning material in HTT. Tsai ...