partial immersionther partial interbreeding partial led flux partial losses partial measured spin partial moisture partial perforation o partial pressure of v partial pressure oxyg partial pressure veno partial recourse partial resonance partial response maxi partial sequence partial shelter deck partial shipme...
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6 Experimental evaluation of work of adhesion 6.1 Customary Techniques The work of adhesion is the crucial material parameter for application of theories of adhesive contact. However, it is rather difficult to determine experimentally the values of the work of adhesion for contacting solids and, there...
Taking out and placing back anatomical specimens in the storage room is the task that leads to most concern of all measured tasks, especially since the evaluation of this task did not improve from 2012 to 2014. On the contrary, the measurement data indicate an increase. In part this may be...
Social values are very important for well-being at work. This study investigates which and how social values affect well-being at work and contributes to the growing interest that the issue of quality of life at work has aroused in the areas of human res
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In: 2020 International conference on 3D immersion (IC3D). pp 1–7 Hirota M, Kanda H, Endo T et al (2019) Comparison of visual fatigue caused by head-mounted display for virtual reality and two-dimensional display using objective and subjective evaluation. Ergonomics 62:759–766. https://...
How do we feel about digital citizenship or our immersion into virtual reality? All this goes to show that there is a societal and ethical relevance to how digital technology impacts human psychology (for a detailed analysis on this, see Parsons,2019). ...
social worksubstance use disorders educationThis study is an educational evaluation of participants (N = 50) in a 4-day immersion training program funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Using a pretest鈥損osttest design, clinical social work faculty participants showed ...
This allowed them to share their best work and to do some self-evaluation about where their writing is in relationship to the goal (or standard–Hattie kind of calls this“self-reported grading”). An evidence collection de-emphasizes the one writing piece that they bombed or the prompt they...