澳大利亚打工度假签Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462)属于澳大利亚打工度假者计划Working Holiday Maker (WHM) program中的一个签证子类别,是澳大利亚政府为来自特定国家的18岁至30岁年轻人提供的一种临时签证。 自1975 年以来,澳大利亚的互惠打工度假者 (WHM) 计划一直在促进澳大利亚和世界各地年轻人之间的更紧密联系。
The majority of applications (90%) for the Work and Holiday visa areprocessed within 4 months. You’ll be notified in writing if your visa is approved. You’ll need to take this document with you when you travel to Australia. It will contain your visa number, start date, and the condit...
standards of living, and overall happiness. People here enjoy a great work-life balance – and it is not hard to enjoy your time outside the office in such a beautiful country. From its wide-open outback, pristine beaches, and cosmopolitan cities, Australia has it all. Sydney and Melbourne...
2. Working holiday visa:This visa is available to people in the 18-30 age group to enable them to take up short-term jobs in Australia while on a holiday there. The period is twelve months. You will have to stick to the mandatory health and character requirements while on a holiday and...
You can apply for the 462 visa if: You are aged between 18 and 30 (not yet 31) You have a valid passport from an eligible country You will not have a dependent child with you while you are in Australia This is your first Australian Work & Holiday visa ...
Willing to extend your Australian work and holiday (subclass 462) visa? Apply for your third year WHV for Australia with Visa First.
First Working Holiday visa: You need to be outside Australia, while applying for a Working Holiday visa for the first time and when your visa is granted. Second Working Holiday visa: If you apply in Australia, you must be in Australia when the visa is granted. If you apply outside Austr...
Learn how toapply for your working holiday visa Explore thebest places for working holiday makers to live Searchjob marketplacesfor the perfect position Find outhow much you can earnto fund your travels Get the best tips fortravelling Australia on a budget ...
The ultimate backpackers guide in Australia! Get all the tips from other backpackers to work & travel around Australia.
If your application for the Work and Holiday visa is successful you can enter Australia at any time within three months of the visa grant date, stay for up to 12 months in Australia, leave and re-enter Australia any number of times in the 12 months from the date of first entry, underta...