work health and safetypsychological healthThe regulation of psychosocial hazards and risks, for the protection of psychological health, is a highly debated issue within work health and safety (WHS). Increasing work-related psychological illness and injury, alongside growing academic evidence and community...
Worker Participation in Health and Safety Regulation: Lessons from Sweden The toll capitalist production takes on the lives and health of workers has been, and continues to be one of its least acceptable features. For this reason... E Tucker - 《Social Science Electronic Publishing》 被引量: ...
To inform effective actions to advance the health and rights of sex workers, this edited volume aims to provide a comprehensive overview of health and social ineq- uities faced by sex workers globally; articulate structural determinants of sex work- ers' health and occupational outcomes (e.g. ...
WorkHealthandSafetyAct2011(WHSAct)– WorkHealthandSafetyRegulation2011(WHSRegulation) Complaint orm–bullyingintheworkplace Complaintform–bullyingintheworkplace Page2of3 DETAILSOFALLEGEDBULLYING Whodidtheallegedbullying?Providenameandpositiono allpersons. ...
Workplace and workforce health information systems in healthcare: acknowledging the role of university researchers and highlighting the importance of healt... In the November/December 2008 issue of the CJPH, Gilligan and Alamgir1 provided an overview of the Workplace Health Information Tracking and ...
regulation of physiological processes including sleep, digestion, and immune function. Furthermore, access to a window can provide a view of outdoors and the opportunity to relax the visual system by focusing on a long distance. When the view takes in a nature scene, or if it is judged to ...
New neuroscientific findings explain better the catastrophic consequences of environmental changes on a neurohormonal and epigenetic level influencing emotional regulation, but they also explain why and how psychotherapy can work. Addiction therapy must include pharmacological support, motivational methods, self...
Social relationships are crucial for well-being and health, and considerable research has established social stressors as a risk for well-being and health. However, researchers have used many different constructs, and it is unclear if these are actually different or reflect a single overarching cons...
The three primary management frameworks used to manage information security internationally, ISO/IEC 27001, the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and OCTAVE/OCTAVE Allegro, will then be introduced. The chapter will next discuss the following technical/management frameworks ...
“Security” generally pertains to strategic or political domains, describing a general social condition for which the state is (at least partially) responsible. “Safety”, on the other hand, tends to be more individualistic and related to the condition or perception of being protected from harm...