a spokesperson for WorkSafe Victoria was the feature presenter and this year that was the very recently appointed Executive Director of Health and Safety,Julie Nielsen. HSF’sSteve Bellalso provided an update on OHS laws and national
The physical space where sex work occurs, and its social, economic, and policy context, greatly influences sex workers’ health and safety [1,2]. Although the dynamics of sex work vary widely, categorisation of sex work is typically based on indoor versus outdoor settings. Indoor settings may...
Wheelwright, Karen (2002) “Corporate Liability for Workplace Deaths and Injuries-Reflecting on Victoria’s Laws in the Light of the Esso Longford Explosion.” Deakin Law Rev. 7(2):323.Wheelwright, K. (2002). Corporate liability for workplace deaths and injuries - reflecting on Victoria's ...
“personals” section. In these sections, sex workers could post ads and find work independently, ultimately making it safer for them to get clients. These U.S. laws affected sex workers within Canada as well, as Backpage was shut down completely, and any ads posted on Craigslist hinting ...
Subscribe Click the Join Now button below to subscribe to exclusive SafetyAtWorkBlog articles and other information with a monthly or annual payment option. Emailhelp@worksafety.com.aufor help with subscriptions. Join Now! Keyword Search Search for:Search ...
education and training, that the Labour Department has been adoptingtoimprove safetyandhealthatworkinHong Kong. labour.gov.hk labour.gov.hk 勞工處一直透過立法和執法、宣傳和推廣、教育和培訓,三管齊下的方式, 提升香港的職業安全及健康水平,而安全訓練是重要的基石之一。
safety or health law, regulation, standard, rule or order.” The director is now required to conduct a comprehensive inspection in cases involving work-related fatalities or whenever three or more willful or repeated violations occur within a one-year period. What constitutes a “comprehensive ...
Legal advice is recommended to ensure duties under various workplace and criminal laws are taken into account and that employee health and safety is protected. Key contact Paul O'Halloran Partner and Head of Office, MelbourneD +613 9620 2223 Email me Related practices, sectors...
However, there are some gaps in the research on same-sex parented families. Firstly, the dominance of research focusing on outcomes for children raised in same-sex parented families means there is only a limited number of studies on the health and wellbeing of same-sex attracted parents. The...