YesNoWORKPLACEDETAILSBusinessnameAddressStatePostcodeWhatindustryisthebusinessin?Whereintheworkplacedidtheallegedbullyingoccur?WorkHealthandSafetyAct2011(WHSAct)–WorkHealthandSafetyRegulation2011(WHSRegulation)Complaint orm–bullyingintheworkplaceComplaintform–bul...
Workcover (2012). Work Health and Safety. Available: Pages/default.aspx [date accessed: 07.09.2014].Queensland Government (2011) Work Health and Safety Act 2011. Queensland Government. Retreived from
orcingworkhealthandsa etylawsintheirjurisdiction.NSWnote:Thiscodeo practicehasbeenapprovedundersection274o theWorkHealthandSa etyAct2011.Noticeo thatapprovalwaspublishedintheNSWGovernmentGazettere erringtothiscodeo practiceasWorkHealthandSafetyConsultationCooperationandCoordination:Codeofpractice(page7194)onFriday...
We do not limit our statutory liability for intent, gross negligence, injuries to life, limb and/or health, to the extent we have granted a guarantee (which must be expressly designated as such to be a guarantee in the legal sense), and under mandatory product liability law. In other case...
Lived experience workforces are one of the fastest growing emerging disciplines in Australian mental health service settings. Individuals with lived and living experience of mental distress employed in mental health services, often referred to as peer or lived experience workers, are widely considered es...
Psychological health status TheMedical Outcomes Trust Short-form 36 Health Status Questionnaire (SF36)Version 1.0, a widely used and validated questionnaire [26] was used to assess eight domains and two summary scores of health-related QoL. TheState-Trait Anxiety Inventory(STAI), a widely used an...
Perinatal care at the borderlines of viability: a consensus statement based on a NSW and ACT consensus workshopEthics and lawWomenˈs healthPediatric medicinePerinatal care at the borderlines of viability demands a delicate balance between parents' wishes and autonomy, biological feasibility, ...
Clinical Council, NSW Health, member. This Council was chaired by the Director-General of Health and its members were the chairs of committees providing expert advice to the Minister for Health on ways to improve the health system. The Clinical Council was made up of leaders from medical, nurs...
The sleep patches act as a sort of gateway drug for the brand’s many wellness initiatives; the turndown card that contains them also has a QR code inviting guests to engage with Peninsula’s new Wellness Portal, where they can find information about all of the “Life Lived Best” amenities...