19 Work Safety Act 2008 (ACT) s 9. 20 Work Health and Safety ActSafeWork South Australia. Work Health and Safety Act 2012. Available from: http://www.legislation.sa.gov.au/LZ/C/A/Work%20Health%20and%20Safety%20Act%20 2012.aspx. [cited 13 May 2014]....
WorkHealthandSafetyAct201140WHSRegulation41August2012 系统标签: whshealthworkcoverregulationsafetybullying Page1of3Bullyingintheworkplaceisdefnedas‘repeated,unreasonablebehaviourdirectedtowardsaworkerorgroupo workersthatcreatesarisktohealthandsa ety’.Asingleincidentorreasonableworkplaceactionisnotbullying.Be orecompl...
Health care aides use of time in a residential long-term care unit: a time and motion study. Int J Nurs Stud. 2013;50(9):1229-1239. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2012.12.009PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 7. Kaplan HC, Brady PW, Dritz MC, et al. The influence...
andadaptthework ornoncommercialpurposes,aslongasyouattributetheworktoSa eWorkAustraliaandabidebytheotherlicenceterms.Contactin ormationSa eWorkAustraliaPhone:+61261215317Email:in o@sa eworkaustralia.gov.auWebsite:.sa eworkaustralia.gov.au1CODEOFPRACTICE|WORKHEALTHANDSAFETYCONSULTATION,CO-OPERATIONANDCO-...
Our results indicate that psychosocial work stress and precarious working conditions have important implications for maternal peripartum mental health. They might act as prospective risk factors for PPD during the period of maternal leave. Hence, future research should focus on preventative measures target...
Lived experience workforces are one of the fastest growing emerging disciplines in Australian mental health service settings. Individuals with lived and living experience of mental distress employed in mental health services, often referred to as peer or lived experience workers, are widely considered es...
Thirty-six women (16.8%) were infected with multiple cervical HPV genotypes and four women (1.8%) had five or more different genotypes (Figure 2). Figure 1 Prevalence of different cervical HPV genotypes among young women engaged in sex work participating in the Young Women’s Health Study ...
Another qualitative interview study was conducted in a Norwegian petroleum company to explore the various ways the Health, safety and environment (HSE) concept is used and understood by managers and employees in one company in order for other industries to develop strategies, methods, and actions ...
TheMedical Outcomes Trust Short-form 36 Health Status Questionnaire (SF36)Version 1.0, a widely used and validated questionnaire [26] was used to assess eight domains and two summary scores of health-related QoL. TheState-Trait Anxiety Inventory(STAI), a widely used and validated inventory that...
Workplace sexual harassment is a public health problem that depends on gender, context, and perceived ideology. Although studies have documented the prevalence and consequences of workplace sexual harassment worldwide, victims’ perceptions and experienc