Workcover (2012). Work Health and Safety. Available: Pages/default.aspx [date accessed: 07.09.2014].Queensland Government (2011) Work Health and Safety Act 2011. Queensland Government. Retreived from
22.2 Steps Towards National Work Health and Safety Laws... 22.3 Reaction to the National Work Health and Safety Laws... 4 3 Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld) ...43.1 Objects ...
A new Work Health and Safety Bill will be developed for Western Australia, improving consistency with the rest of the country. Based on the national Work Health and Safety Act, the Bill will provide the primary legislation for workplace safety and health across all Western Australian industries....
Lifestyle and location stressors Many stressors cited by respondents were specific to the location of aid work in humanitarian or development contexts. Location stressors were grouped under ‘Physical health and safety’ and ‘Living conditions’. Physical health and safety A key location stressor wh...
WORKHEALTHANDSAFETY CONSULTATION,CO-OPERATION ANDCO-ORDINATION CodeofPractice DECEMBER2011 WesternAustralia SAFEWORK Sa eWorkAustraliaisanAustralianGovernmentstatutoryagencyestablishedin2009.Sa eWork Australiaconsistso representativeso theCommonwealth,stateandterritorygovernments,the AustralianCouncilo TradeUnions,theAu...
Prolonged sedentary time, reported as fewer breaks in sedentary time, has been shown to be detrimentally associated with several cardio-metabolic health outcomes [26, 27]. Occupational health and safety guidelines recommend transitioning posture (e.g. from sitting to standing) at least every 30 ...
legislation. This is paralleled in theUnited Kingdom Equality Act 2010. Injurious behaviors and targets not falling within the ambit of the legal protections in the anti-discrimination legislation are included in other national jurisdictions such as theWorkplace Health and Safety Act 2011in Australia....
BMC Medical Education (2017) 17:92 DOI 10.1186/s12909-017-0931-2 RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access "A steep learning curve": junior doctor perspectives on the transition from medical student to the health-care workplace Nancy Sturman1* , Zachary Tan2 and Jane Turner3 Abstract Background: The ... Всегопосещений81.6K198.3K Изменениезапоследниймесяц1.4%12.24% Средняяпродолжительностьпосещения00:06:0200:01:35 ...
Success 1 3Vol.:(0123456789) 4 4 Adolescent Res Rev (2018) 3:43–56 in navigating this transition cannot only affect children's academic performance, but also their general sense of well- being and mental health (Waters et al. 2012; Zeedijk et al. 2003). Not only children but ...