Forty individuals who participated in a work-hardening program following a Workers' Compensation claim for an industrial injury were studied retrospectively to identify and describe differences in the group that actually returned to work versus the group that did not. Examination of data by linear ...
work force- the force of workers available manpower,men,workforce,hands personnel,force- group of people willing to obey orders; "a public force is necessary to give security to the rights of citizens" full complement,complement- number needed to make up a whole force; "a full complement of...
Purpose To examine the effectiveness of a sports performance-based work conditioning/hardening (SPWC/H) program on increasing an individual's strength measured by achievement of physical demand level (PDL) job classification of individuals followed by workers' compensation having had lumbar fusion ...
27 July 2016 Number of times this article has been viewed Mark E Lemstra Alliance Health Medical Clinic, Moose Jaw, SK, Canada Abstract: Few workplaces have prospectively reviewed workplace and worker issues simultane- ously and assessed their impact on Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) claims. ...
Work Hardening and Work Conditioning is a structured, goal-oriented, individualized program designed to aid a person to return to work or to help determine what activities they can safely achieve. These programs are to help restore strength, movement, flexibility and work ability. They will also ...
Efforts will be made to better protect the labor rights and interests of the workers in new forms of business, such as couriers and ride-hailing drivers, formulate administrative measures on flexible employment service, improve the coordination mechanism of labor relations and resolutely crack down ...
Construction of 4,000-kilometers of Smooth Road Network Program that connects administrative villages with towns and with other administrative villages, and. the hardening of 1,000 kilometers of roads that connect 2,277 provincial poor villages to natural villages of over 20 households will be ...
workers’ compensationsolution-focused psychotherapyOrthopedic rehabilitation programs utilizing a multidisciplinary approach invite a greater appreciation for the factors which influence the recovery process. This study evaluated variables associated with the psychosocial adjustment of work hardening program ...
Matt KrugerJeff RogersChris E. StoutMaureen Kohl Bennington
Three services that the occupational therapist can provide are defined. They are work tolerance screening, work capacity evaluation, and work hardening. An example of basic program structure, including evaluative tools, is given for each of the three services.L D...