疫情当下最热门的设计趋势之一 ‘Work-From-Home’ 不管隔离需求还是防疫需要 在家办公已成为常态 以下是十大家庭办公周边设计 设计的模块化和美感表达 可以帮助你从中获得一些灵感 1 Michael Soledad办公桌系列组合 美国设计师迈克尔·索莱达(Michael Soledad)设计的Michael Soledad办公桌系列组合,桌子上有足够容纳无论是电...
Michael Soledad办公桌系列组合 美国设计师迈克尔·索莱达(Michael Soledad)设计的Michael Soledad办公桌系列组合,桌子上有足够容纳无论是电脑、耳机还是iPad等所有大小工具的空间。整洁,简约,木质,在这张桌子上可以找到这三个词语的完美呈现!让业务繁忙、文件繁多的职场办公者有足够空间排列资料,以提高生产力和效率,为努力...
藤森泰司也同时担任过桑沢デザイン研究所、前橋工科大学、武蔵野美術大学、多摩美術大学、東京造形大学、日本工業大学、東京大学、東京藝術大学的学科讲师。 2016年也担任了グッドデザイン賞(GOOD DESIGN)审查员一职。 〈WFH(WORK FROM HOME)〉 在官方介绍里面是藤森泰司的一个「self-production」身份亮了相。前...
2016年也担任了グッドデザイン賞(GOOD DESIGN)审查员一职。 〈WFH(WORK FROM HOME)〉在官方介绍里面是藤森泰司的一个「self-production」身份亮了相。前后经过了多次反复的试验制作,前后经历了7个月的尝试,诞生了3款不同的类型。FD1 ( Foldable Desk )SIZE / W676(天板W600), D670, H1085価格 ...
If you have been working from home the past year or so,you are not alone! As you know, since the Covid-19 pandemic erupted, remote working has started to become a norm (due to safe management measures to mitigate the risk of wide-spreading the virus). You may have (subconsciously) no...
说白了,给别人打工的人远程办公,是work from home,自由职业者在家办公就是work at home。 例句: ①That freelancer works at home. 那个自由职业者在家工作。 ②I had to work from home because of the novel coronavirus. 因为这次的新型冠状病毒,我不得不在家办公。
Top 10 Ingenious Work From Home Gear Every Remote Worker Needs On Their Desk Whether you’re working from home, or in a corporate office, the one thing that’s pretty much consistent in both these scenarios is a desk! A… Accessories, Office, Product Design This sit-stand desk perfectly...
Choose appropriate decorative items, window treatments, and patterns as well as work from home furniture to express your style. It will be a good idea to select a design for your home office which you love but can’t use for the whole house. ...
This could be anything from freelance writing and graphic design to virtual assistant work and voiceover work.7. Work as a call center representative. Many call centers need people to answer phone calls, assist customers, and help generate sales. Check out these extra work from home tips to ...
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