for scale 没有 最低价位的意思。。你说的应该是短语 for sale 低价出售、降价的意思。。。当时我也不懂这句话,然后去谷歌上查了一下果然有最低价位的意思。但是是work for scale才这么翻译哦Working for scale refers to being paid the minimum allowed fee. Read More »Standard wages...
useful for undirected graphs. "spring model" which minimizes forces instead of energy sfdp multiscale version of fdp for the layout of large undirected graphs twopi for radial graph layouts. Nodes are placed on concentric circles depending their distance from a given root node circo circular layout...
在编程中,scale通常指的是 1、调整数字的大小、 2、动态适应不同的负载或数据量。在许多编程环境和场景中,scale的概念对于确保应用程序可以有效地处理不同大小的工作负载至关重要。以调整数字的大小为例,这可以涉及到根据算法需要动态调整数值的范围,或者在处理图形和UI设计时,调整元素的尺寸以适应不同的显示屏幕。...
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Search on Talent Marketplace™ for the hourly or fixed-price work you’re looking for. Submit a proposal, set your rate, and show how great you’ll be. Give a little extra by sharing your unique approach and offering a rapport-building interview. ...
namedin the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ forCollaborative Work Management Read the report namedin the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ forAdaptive Project Management and Reporting Read the report Forrester Total Economic Impact™ research:Motorola sees 346% ROI with ...
Scale your project management efforts Manage work at an enterprise level with a single system so you can easily intake, resource, track, collaborate, and report on every project that’s key to your business success. Centralize project management for agencies and client work Agencies face unique ch...
Smartsheet has been recognized as a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Collaborative Work Management. Learn why CUSTOMER LOVE First Sentier Investors First Sentier Investors needed coherence in its project structure. With Smartsheet, it brought visibility and efficiency, cutting down ...
Among numerous existing energy storage technologies, the redox flow batteries (RFBs), which possess a lot of advantages such as high safety, long cycle life, easy scalability, decoupled power output and energy stored, have been regarded as potential solutions for grid-scale energy storage [[4],...
Levene's TestforHomogeneityofVariance(center=median)DfFvaluePr(>F)group10.37030.550518#独立样本t检验 t.test(A,B,paired=FALSE)#结果显示P=0.5639。说明两者没有区别。 Welch Two Sample t-testdata:AandBt=-0.589,df=16.463,p-value=0.5639alternative hypothesis:truedifferenceinmeans is not equal to095...