This scalar equation tells us that the work done on the particle between A and B is equal to the change in kinetic energy of the particle between A and B. Once again, the term is equal to the work done by the forces acting on the particle. These forces can either be conservative or...
If the work done by or against a force in moving a body from one position to another relies on the path taken between these two places, the force is said to be non-conservative. 3. Power definition and relation between work and power Power is defined as the rate at which work is comp...
Flexibility activities can also be of value in reducing the incidence of low back syndrome and should be incorporated as a part of the warm-up phase of each exercise session. Static stretching of the low back and hamstrings are the most important flexibility activities and should be done after...
Work and energy share the same units, Joules (J) because of the work-energy theorem. The work-energy theorem states that the amount of work done on...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a question Our experts can answer your to...
Work done in rotation in the field of kinetics is referred to as the “Work-Kinetic Theorem” associated with rotation for a given object in motion.
The work done on the system or by the system can be calculated as the product of two factors: External force applied on the object Displacement of the object The work is zero if any one of these parameters is equal to zero. Answer and Explanation:1 ...
The Bond work index (Bond, 1960) is based on Bond’s law, which states that the energy consumed is proportional to the 1.5 power of particle size rather than the square of Rittinger’s law. From: Advances in Clean Hydrocarbon Fuel Processing, 2011 ...
How much work must be done on an electron to accelerate it from rest to a speed of 0.810c?Relativistic Mass:When a body is moving almost near the speed of light let say v then their mass gets changed. The mass of the particle at that speed is called the ...
wegenerallysayworkdonebyparticle’sovercomingforceisnegative,thatis,theforcedoesanegativework.Forinstance:theshipgoesaheadovercomingtheresistanceofthewater,consumingtheenergy.personagainstwindconsumetheenergy.(2)Forceactsontheparticle,andtheparticlemovesafinitedistanceinthespace,theworkdonebytheforcewillbe dr ...