Work-done on gas in a thermodynamic process is obtained by the area under the P-V diagram. When the gas expands its volume increases and the work-done is positive in that process whereas when the gas contacts its volume decreases a...
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Calculate the work done by the gas in the processes represented by the pathsADBandACB, as shown below. Estimation of Thermodynamic Work Done: The thermodynamic work done by an ideal gas in a thermodynamic cycle can be obtained with the help of the thermodynamic pro...
1stLawofThermodynamics熱力學第一定律:Increaseininternalenergy=HeataddedWorkdone 內能增幅=所加熱量所作功 UQW dUdQdWdtdtdt Thermodynamicstatevariable=variableindependentofhistory.熱力態變數=跟歷程無關的變數 e.g.,U,T,P,V,…NotQ,W,…Joule’sapparatus焦耳的儀器 Example18.1.ThermalPollution熱污染 The...
1.something done, made, etc., as a result of effort or exertion 2.any piece of material that is undergoing a manufacturing operation or process; workpiece 3.decoration or ornamentation, esp of a specified kind engineering structure such as a bridge, building, etc. ...
The notion that a reversible thermodynamic process is necessarily quasi-static is one of the cornerstones of thermodynamics, yet to the author's knowledge the notion has never been subjected to any sort of critical analysis. The idea of reversibility rests on the assumption that a small change ...
Calculate the work done by the gas using the equations for work of a gas. [a] write the equation in letters, [b] write the equation with the numbers, then write the answers in the units you have. There will be four parts. Then you...
1.3.5 Thermodynamic Work of Adhesion The thermodynamic work of adhesion, that is the work required to separate unit area of two phases in contact, is related to surface free energies by the Dupré equation. It is the minimum work needed to separate the phases, and energies needed to break ...
What are the different types of thermodynamic processes? Explain. How much work is done on the gas in the process shown in the figure? How much work is done on the gas in the process shown in the figure below? How much work is done by the gas in the process shown in the figure?
The free expansion of a gas is defined as the phenomenon in which the external pressure on the gas becomes zero and due to the internal pressure, the smooth frictionless piston continues to move outwards.Answer and Explanation: Work-done during the process wh...