Define work done The nergy transferred when a force moves an object through a distance Write the equation that links force, work done and displacement Work done = force x displacement What units is work done measured in? Joules (J) If a force is at an angle to the displacement, what must...
Wede netheworkdonebyaconstantforceastheproductoftheforceandthedistancemovedinthedirectionoftheforce.Workdone=constantforce×distancemovedinthedirectionoftheforceorW=F×swhereW=workdoneinjoules(orNm)F=constant orceinNs=distancemovedinthedirectiono the orceinmAtGCSEyoudidnotpaymuchattentiontothewords‘inthe...
Work is introduced as force times distance and as a form of energy at GCSE level. At 'A' Level: Gravity and Newton's Law is introduced as I have given but in equation form with suitable constants added. Fields are nowhere mentioned. In fact they are specifically avoided and the...