When an object moves under the influence of a force, then work is done according to the equationwhere W is the work done, F is the force (N) and s is the displacement (m) in the direction of the force. The SI unit of work is the joule (J), which is a scalar quantity defined...
Work Done By The Spring Force of An Elastic Spring:Whenever a specific external force acts on a mechanical spring that elongates/compresses the spring's length by a particular amount, there would be mechanical work performed by the spring in trying to resist this action by exerting the ...
拓展模块unit8ReadingA 1.Work and Power -New words and Expressions Unit8GeneralSciece 自然科学 单击此处添加标题 1.preciseadj.精确的确切的严谨的 →词义搭配clearandaccurate精确的;准确的 somethingprecise精确的东西 单词拼写 Theyspeakvery English.(精确的)他们讲一口非常地道的英语。Youareaverypreciseperson....
Work,Energy and Power Work, Energy and Power Work Done by a force is defined as the product of the force and displacement (of its point of application) in the direction of the force W = F s cos θ Negative work is said to be done by F if x or its compo. is anti-parallel to ...
To solve for power given work and time:Ensure you have the work done and the time in compatible units, typically joules for work and seconds for time. Apply the values to the equation: P = W / T. Divide the work by the time to find the power....
The amount of work done upon an object depends upon the amount of force (F) causing the work, the displacement (d) experienced by the object during the work, and the angle (theta) between the force and the displacement vectors. The equation for work is .
We understand from the work equation that if there is no displacement, there is no work done, irrespective of how large the force is. To summarize, we can say that no work is done if: the displacement is zero the force is zero the force and displacement are mutually perpendicular to each...
The power input per unit weight in grinding is calculated from a third equation when the feed size F (80% passing), product size P (80% passing) and W//i are known. From this value, mill sizing is done by calculating total power consumption for the tonnage of ore ground....
When we first learned about work, we were told that the amount of work done on an object is equal to the force on that object over the distance it is displaced. Simplified, we can write this equation as work = force x distance. This sounds pretty good, right? But there's a ...
Learn to define work and energy. Discover the work energy theorem and the work energy theorem equation. See the relationship between work and...