Electric Potential Energy and Electric Potential:电势能、电势 热度: 【国家级精品课程】-大学课件-浙江大学-《大学物理(甲)》-Work And Kinetic Energy 热度: 45 1.7W kD ne,P tent ndK net Ene Studentss u dbeb et : 1.7.1Deneworkdone,potentialenergy,kineticenergy,efciencyandpower ...
3. How is potential energy related to work done? Potential energy and work done are directly related. When work is done on an object, its potential energy increases. Similarly, when an object's potential energy decreases, it is doing work on its surroundings. ...
1. 拎起物件:物件增加了 gravitational potential energy,而这物件赚得的 energy 是从我们的手拎起它的力而来,所以 There is work done on the object by us. 2. 拎起物件后不动:虽然我们拎住件物件消耗了我们的能量,令我们觉得疲倦,但是物件并没有再赚得额外的 PE 或 KE,我们没有再传送...
Tags Charge Physics Potential Work Work done In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of potential and potential difference between two points due to an electric charge, as well as the change in electric potential energy and the work done by the electric field. The solutions provided...
Objectives: Students will become familiar with the concepts of work , conservative forces and potential energy . In addition, they will become acquainted with the principle of virtual work . After studying this chapter, students should be able to correctly apply this principle in order to determine...
Aswewillsee,thejouleisalsotheunitofworkWandpotentialenergyU.Otherenergy unitsoftenseenare: 1erg=1g·cm2 s2 =10−7J 1eV=1.60×10−19J 6.1.2 Work Whenanobjectmoveswhileaforceisbeingexertedonit,thenworkisbeingdoneonthe objectbytheforce. ...
Chapter 3 Work and Energy §1 Work §2 Work – Kinetic Energy Theorem §3 Conservative Forces and Potential Energy §4 Work-Energy Theorem and Conservation of Mechanical Energy §5 The Gradient §1 Work (P147) 1. Work (1). Work Done by a Constant Force A particle ...
wegenerallysayworkdonebyparticle’sovercomingforceisnegative,thatis,theforcedoesanegativework.Forinstance:theshipgoesaheadovercomingtheresistanceofthewater,consumingtheenergy.personagainstwindconsumetheenergy.(2)Forceactsontheparticle,andtheparticlemovesafinitedistanceinthespace,theworkdonebytheforcewillbe dr ...
Kinetic Energy and Work; Potential 动能和工作潜力.ppt,Kinetic Energy and Work; Potential Energy;Conservation of Energy. Lecture 07 Thursday: 5 February 2004 WORK Work provides a means of determining the motion of an object when the force applied to it is