In the two examples above “Herzog” from the first entry and “Yates” from the second lead the reader to the first item each citation’s respective entry on the Works Cited page: Herzog, Werner, dir. Fitzcarraldo. Perf. Klaus Kinski. Filmverlag der Autoren, 1982. Film. Yates, Jane. ...
work cited (works cited) 指参考文献。参考文献是根据GB/TB7714-2005《文后参考文献著录规则》,适用于“著者和编辑编录的文后参考文献,而不能作为图书馆员、文献目录编辑者以及索引编辑者使用的文献编著录规则”。参考文献的书写样式不可随意更改,要按照标准仔细地进行排版。参考文献的编写顺序是按照论...
PARENTHETICAL CITATION and the WORKS CITED: MLA STYLE Department of English and Film Studies, University of Alberta 2010 The MLA style (MLA Handbook, 2009) allows documentation of an abbreviated kind to appear in the body of your essay in parentheses, thus eliminating all but explanatory or ...
Thisisadetailedlistofallthematerialyouhave'cited'inyourpaper.Thepageshouldsay“References.”(nounderline,noquotationsmarks,nobold,centeredatthetopofthepage).5 In-textcitation Directlyquotedmaterialappearswithquotationmarksfollowedbyparenthesisandthepagenumber.Thelocationoftheparentheticalcitationforaquote...
Sample CV made with our builder—See more CV examples here. One of our users, Kelly, had this to say: The interface and flow from each element in the CV is seamless. I now have a beautiful, contemporary CV and feel great about it. Want to learn how to write the rest of your CV?
My law review article, “Expanding Coverage of the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Act to Protect Workers from Severe Psychological Harm” (Suffolk University Law Review, 2023) (go here for free pdf), was cited in the final section discussing regulatory options. In closing, I’ll simply...
date of the assignment should appear in the top left corner of the first page only, double spaced. The title of your essay should appear immediately below this information, and the essay should begin immediately below the title. Double space the entire essay, including the works cited. Do not...
(Hakim,2010) to supplement income by catering to a very specific population of predominantly cis gender male clients who seek non-conventional relationships that cannot be fulfilled by partners. On the open response question, twenty female respondents cited attention, personal power, work-flexibility,...
Reports that use numerical citations usually have an additional list of titles, cited in alphabetical order of the first author. For an example of a numerical citation system, see The Chicago Manual of Style [4]. Examples of Numerical Citations In-text reference (book): superscript number, fo...
Works Cited & Additional Resources Anders, Ericsson, et al. “Memory Skills Mediating Superior Memory in a World-Class Memorist.” Memory & Cognition, vol. 45, no. 4, 2017, pp. 577-590. PubMed. Karpicke, Jeffrey D., and Janell R. Blunt. “Retrieval Practice Produces More Learning than...