BuildAuthorizationScope BuildBadge BuildCompletedEvent BuildCompletionTrigger BuildConfiguration BuildController BuildCoverage BuildDefinition BuildDefinition3_2 BuildDefinitionReference BuildDefinitionReference BuildDefinitionReference3_2 BuildDefinitionRevision BuildDefinitionSourceProvider BuildDefinitionStep BuildDefinitionTe...
NotificationTemplateType NotifyResult OAuth2TokenResult OAuthConfiguration OAuthConfigurationActionFilter OAuthConfigurationParams OAuthEndpointStatus OnEnterRule OperatingSystemType 作業 作業 OperationReference OperationResultReference OperationsRestClient OperationStatus OperationType OperationType OperatorConstraint Orchestra...
NotificationTemplateType NotifyResult OAuth2TokenResult OAuthConfiguration OAuthConfigurationActionFilter OAuthConfigurationParams OAuthEndpointStatus OnEnterRule OperatingSystemType 作業 作業 OperationReference OperationResultReference OperationsRestClient OperationStatus OperationType OperationType OperatorConstraint Orchestration...
NotificationTemplateType NotifyResult OAuth2TokenResult OAuthConfiguration OAuthConfigurationActionFilter OAuthConfigurationParams OAuthEndpointStatus OnEnterRule OperatingSystemType 作業 作業 OperationReference OperationResultReference OperationsRestClient OperationStatus OperationType OperationType OperatorConstraint Orchestration...
HISTOGRAM TEMPLATEtemplate-name connection-attributes 2ADDRESS('address-value')APPLNAME('application-name')SYSTEM_USER('authorization-name')SESSION_USER('authorization-name')SESSION_USER GROUP('authorization-name')SESSION_USER ROLE('authorization-name')CURRENT CLIENT_USERID('user-id')CURRENT CLIENT_APPL...
该接口用于创建许可单。 相关API 接口名称 调用说明 获取Token 调用该接口获取到Token,再调用其他接口时,需要在请求消息头中添加“Authorization”,其值即为Token。 URL 请求方式 HTTPS地址 服务架构 消息体类型 POST https://isdp+域名/openapi/v1/openSceneTask/createWorkTicket ...
WIM defines different security levels that are used as labels on objects for further authorization: Low, Medium, High, and System. Because of UAC there may be processes in the same desktop session that have full administrator privileges and others that are running with a standard user token. ...
WIM defines different security levels that are used as labels on objects for further authorization: Low, Medium, High, and System. Because of UAC there may be processes in the same desktop session that have full administrator privileges and others that are running with a standard user token. ...
Used in the context of Single-Sign-On (SSO) for exchanging authentication and authorization data between an identity provider, typically an IAM system, and a service provider (some form of SaaS). The SAML protocol exchanges XML documents that contain security assertions used by the aaS for acces...
16 IBM i: Work management Authority (AUT) This specifies the authority you are giving to users who do not have specific authority for the object, who are not on an authorization list, and whose group profile or supplemental group profiles do not have specific authority for the object....