function getListOfProcesses(expand?: GetProcessExpandLevel): Promise<ProcessInfo[]> 參數 expand GetProcessExpandLevel 傳回 Promise<ProcessInfo[]> getListsMetadata() 傳回挑選清單的中繼資料。 TypeScript 複製 function getListsMetadata(): Promise<PickListMetadata[]> 傳回 Promise<PickListMetadata[]> ...
A workstream is a container that helps enrich, route, and assign work items to the correct queues and representatives. A workstream can be one of the following types:Messaging - To route conversations from live chat, text, and social channels. Record - To route records, such as case, e...
Common fields defined for all work item types display at the top of the work item form. As shown in the following image, these fields include the following fields: Title, Assigned To, State, Reason, Area, and Iteration. You can update these fields at any time....
GPUs GeForce NVIDIA RTX / Quadro Data Center Embedded Systems Jetson DRIVE AGX Clara AGX Application Frameworks AI Inference - Triton Automotive - DRIVE Cloud-AI Video Streaming - Maxine Computational Lithography - cuLitho Cybersecurity - Morpheus Data Analytics - RAPIDS Generative AI ...
However, because network layers are meant to be hardware independent, you can simultaneously configure several independent network layers (such as IP, IPv6, IPX, and AppleTalk) on a single host. o 网络或互联网层。定义如何将数据包从源主机移动到目标主机。 互联网的特定数据包传输规则集被称为互联...
Think of the thread state as a place to hold thread-wide globals. So now the action goes like this. Your app calls CWnd::Create or CWnd::CreateEx. CWnd::CreateEx installs a CBT hook, sets a global pointer to the CWnd being created, and finally calls ::CreateWindowEx to actually crea...
There are still ways to communicate between processes of different integrity levels. You can use shared memory or a remote procedure call (RPC). Be sure that when you create your RPC entry point or IPC mechanism, you specify that it can be connected to by a process that is running as a...
You will occasionally run into a program that requires this type of redirection, but because mostUnixcommands accept filenames as arguments, this isn’t very common. For example, the preceding command could have been written as head /proc/cpuinfo. ...
ThePrint documentaction requires a file path to print the specified document. TheSet default printeraction requires you to choose from a drop-down list of detected printers and then sets it as the default printer. TheGet default printeraction retrieves the name of the default printer and then ...
You analyze real-world business processes by creating a query with metrics that filter by a digital business process to focus it on a set of collaboration activities, such as relevant meetings.You can filter by business processes wherever the Meeting is available as a filter or a customizable ...