Great Place to Work® es la autoridad global en cultura laboral. Desde 1992, encuestamos a más de 100 millones de empleados en todo el mundo y en base a esa información pudimos definir lo que hace que un lugar de trabajo sea un Excelente Lugar para Trabajar: la confianza. Ayudamos...
Working Poor in Argentina and Spain: A Comparative Analysis Focused on Labour Market Inequalities. Pap.-Rev. Sociol. 2021, 106, 191–219. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Tejero, A. In-Work Poverty Persistence: The Influence of Past Poverty on the Present. Rev. Esp. Investig. Sociol. 2017, ...
Herramientas para el Análisis Crítico; UNSAM EDITA: Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2009. [Google Scholar] Wodak, R.; Meyer, M. (Eds.) Métodos de Análisis Crítico del Discurso; Gedisa: Barcelona, Spain, 2003. [Google Scholar] Pardo Abril, N.G. Cómo Hacer Análisis Crítico del ...
The confinement experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted a rethink of the teaching–learning process to which teachers have responded without planning and instead used their resources. This study aimed to analyze the relationships between wo
Agustín: Because if you travel abroad, Basque is not useful as it is only spoken here (in the Basque Country). We could say that Basque is not as widely known as other languages. Interviewer: Do you enjoy learning Basque? Agustín: Well . . . it's difficult. I understand Basque but...