打工度假签 澳大利亚打工度假签Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462)属于澳大利亚打工度假者计划Working Holiday Maker (WHM) program中的一个签证子类别,是澳大利亚政府为来自特定国家的18岁至30岁年轻人提供的一种临时签证。 自1975 年以来,澳大利亚的互惠打工度假者 (WHM) 计划一直在促进澳大利亚和世界各地年轻人之间...
刚开始进咱们豆瓣组的时候我就很迷茫了,我们这个怎么能叫working holiday呢,澳洲对中国开放的,是work and holiday(subclass 462),而为许多人知道的工作旅游签是working holiday(subclass 417)。后来发现很多人都会搞混啊,那我就来科普一下吧,这两者有很大的本质区别的。 一、Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417) ...
关于澳大利亚打工度假签证,当前有两个子类目,一个是 417 – Working Holiday visa,另一个是 462 – Work and Holiday visa。两个签证针对不同国家开放,其最显著的区别就是持417子类别签证有机会延长一年签证,即在澳大利亚停留最多2年;而462子类别签证则不被允许延签。 417子类别签证申请的国家或地区如下: ...
Australia currently has two working holiday visas: the Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417) and the Work and Holiday Visa (subclass 462). The one you need to apply to depends on your nationality. TheAustralian Work and Holiday (subclass 462)visa is open to citizens of more than a dozen coun...
澳大利亚打工与度假签证英文名为work and holiday visa,属于462类别,简称WHV 基于中国和澳大利亚签订的中澳自由贸易协定(FTA),2015-2016财年开始,澳大利亚政府承诺每年对中国大陆开放5000个打工度假签证名额。从新的财年开始,澳洲签证中心会分批次循序渐进地向中国发放名额,直到5000个名额全部发放完毕。
适合中国的澳洲work and holiday visa是属于462类别签证,不同于417类别的working holiday visa, 462签证是有配额的,如果每年配额到了,这年就不再接受申请了。另外年龄也有限制(18-31岁)。462签证一般是由澳洲驻该国大使馆审理,不同于417是统一由澳洲移民局审理。但签证下来条件都一样。具体材料和...
Citizens of Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Sweden, Taiwan and United Kingdom aged between 18 and 30 are eligible to apply for a Working Holiday visa (visa subclass 417). ...
The Australian Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417) is a temporary visa subclass meant for individuals aged between 18-30 and want to work & travel in Australia for up to one year. The working holiday visa is a temporary visa that allows applicants from eligible countries, having closer ties ...
The Australia's working holiday maker visa scheme allows young people to have an extended holiday while supplementing their travel funds through incidental employment, thus experiencing closer contact with the local community and promoting international understanding. Australia has reciprocal Working Holiday ...
No haber disfrutado previamente del visado Working Holiday Australia (subclase 417) ni del visado Work and Holiday Australia (subclase 462) Enviar la solicitud cuando tu edad sea de entre 18 y 30 años Haber completado al menos 2 años de estudios universitarios o de formación profesional...