–Y–You can hear energy as sound. –Y–You can see energy as light. –A–And. Matter and Energy Section 3.1: Energy exists in different forms Physical Science Chapter 5 Energy & Power. 5.1 The Nature of Energy Energy – the ability to do work or cause a change. Energy – the abili...
WORK AND ENERGY PPTenergy physics ppt
Energy. A. Energy Definition The ability to do work. Potential and Kinetic Energy Energy: is the ability to do work. Energy Chapter 4. ENERGY The measure of the ability to do work Conservation of energy -energy can change forms but can not be destroyed -the total amount of energy in the...
Chapter 4 Work and Energy.ppt,发 Charpter4 Work and Energy Study the effect of the product of force and space 4.1 Work 4.2 Theorem Of Kinetic Energy 4.3Work Of A Pair Of Forces 4.4 Conservative Force 4.5 Potential Energy 4.6 Conservative Potential Ener
大学物理第4章--功与能(work-and-energy)第4章功和能(workandenergy)§4.1功 一、功:---描述力对空间累积效果的物理量。1.恒力作用直线运动 θ<900A>0正功θ=900A=0不做功θ>900A<0负功2.一般运动(变力作用曲线运动)元功 3.性质:功是过程标量;功是代数量,其正负取决于力与位移的夹角。4.直角...
昆明理工大学:《大学物理》课程教学资源(PPT课件,英文版)第三章 功和能 Work and Energy §3—1 功 功率 §3 — 2 动能 动能定律 §3 — 3 势能 §3 — 2 功能原理 机械能守恒定律 §3 — 2 能量守恒定律文档格式:PPT,文档页数:58,文件大小:610.5KB...
Chapter 4 Work and Energy Charpter4WorkandEnergy Studytheeffectoftheproductofforceandspace 4.1Work4.2TheoremOfKineticEnergy4.3WorkOfAPairOfForces4.4ConservativeForce4.5PotentialEnergy4.6ConservativePotentialEnergy4.7ElasticPotentialEnergyOfASpring4.8ConservativeForceAttainedFromPotentialEnergy4.9Conservative...
6. Work, Energy Power 功,能和功率 Work 功 Forces that Vary 會變化的力 Kinetic Energy 動能 Power 功率 What’s the speed of these skiers at the bottom of the slope? 這兩個滑雪人抵達山坡底時的速率為何? Does the work of climbing a mountain depend on the route chosen? 爬一個山所作的功...
文档名称: chapter work amd energy.ppt 格式:ppt 大小:9,200KB 页数:54页 该文档暂不支持下载,请选择其他文档。 下载后只包含 1 个 PPT 格式的文档,没有任何的图纸或源代码,查看文件列表 如果您已付费下载过本站文档,您可以点这里二次下载chapter work amd energy.ppt...
高二物理竞赛课件:功能原理 (Work-Energy Theorem)功能原理(Work-EnergyTheorem)功能原理(Work-EnergyTheorem)功能原理实际上是系统动能定理的变形。由质点系的动能定理:A合A外力A非保守内力A保守内力EkEk2Ek1 第一个质点:A(合1)=Ek(12)E(1)k1 第二个质点:A(合2)=Ek(22)E(2)k1 ••••...