英语动画 | 单词世界 WordWorld - S2E01- A Konny Spooky Halloween 英语动画 | 单词世界 WordWorld - S1E16- Princess Sheep 英语动画 | 单词世界 WordWorld - S1E15- Shuffleword 英语动画 | 单词世界 WordWorld - S1E14- Chef ...
05 a kooky spooky halloween.avi 06 sheep’s halloween costume.avi 07 runaway o.avi 08 happy birthday,dog!.avi 09 there’s an ant in every giant.avi 10 chef sheep.avi 11 rocket to the moon.avi 12 the birds.avi 13 the mystery of the disappearing pie.avi 14 duck’s family reunion.a...
Build A Word: POT Episode 103 A. Rocket to the Moon Frog thinks that in order to build a big rocket he needs big, uppercase letters. But when he gets stranded on the moon with the Little Piggies, he learns that lowercase letters are just as useful as uppercase ones. ...
所属专辑:Word World单词世界 音频列表 1 Word.World.S01E02B.Chef.Sheep 26 2024-10 2 Word.World.S01E03A.Rocket.To.the.Moon 29 2024-10 3 Word.World.S01E03B.The.Bird 19 2024-10 4 Word.World.S01E04A.The.Mystery.of.the.Disappering.Pie ...
word world每集都是通过build a word来解决一个问题,其中涉及到押韵词汇的相互对比和转换及word family的押韵词汇介绍,非常直观。这部动画片是期望能给英语母语的学前孩子创造一个良好的媒体环境,帮助他们喜爱文字、理解字母与字母之间的关系、懂得单词的形、声、义。这对孩子积累词汇和训练拼读意识,进行早期少儿英语...
网络这是一部完全依靠 A、B、C、D... Z 这26个字母搭建起来的动画片。不仅可爱的动物主角是由字母组成,就连动画场景也到处充斥着字母装饰,为的就是在视觉上及听觉上,给小朋友充分营造英语环境。发音很纯正,口语化,简单易懂。每集12分钟左右,每集小动物都会面临一个新的挑战,通过 build a word 来解决问题,...
单词世界 WordWorld -S2E13- Rocket to the Moon 适合学前启蒙或小学阶段
That word is built letter by letter, or sound by sound, during the funky “Build a Word” song at the end of every episode. Once the word is built, it “morphs” —comes alive—into the thing it is! Learn more about each episode → Word building reinforces the pre-reading concept ...
简直听不够!心都在颤抖!真的感谢刀神带给我们的视听盛宴! 刀郎《黄玫瑰》送给所有的女孩儿的祝福! 刀郎演唱的这首经典原创《黄玫瑰》歌曲是当年写给大女儿的一首歌,写出了父亲对女儿的呢喃叮嘱,唱出了父亲对女儿的大爱,刀郎把对女儿的爱都写进了歌里,真的好有才太了不起了!刀郎唱的有感情, 广场舞《想你想...
aMayday is an emergency code word. It is used around the world in voice communications. You might see a war movie in which an airplane has been hit by rocket fire. The pilot gets on his radio and calls "mayday, mayday, mayday" to tell that his plane is in danger of crashing to the...