Follow-up Questions:Have you observed this trend in your own social circles or community? How prevalent do you think it is? What do you believe are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having pets instead of children? Warm-Up Two: Revising Animal Names Students already Know Building up...
I love nothing more than enjoying a warm cup of tea and a quiet day with a good friend. Here’s a bit more about me: Things I Love: Drawing: My happy place is with a pencil in hand, bringing ideas to life on paper. Creative Writing: I love using my imagination to create ...
Technology: I love how it connects us and makes things easier, but why does it have to change so quickly? Trivia Nights: I'm your go-to person for fun facts, yet somehow, I always end up in second or third place. Frustrating! Gardening: I like to think I have a green thumb, but...
I love nothing more than enjoying a warm cup of tea and a quiet day with a good friend. Here’s a bit more about me: Things I Love: Drawing: My happy place is with a pencil in hand, bringing ideas to life on paper. Creative Writing: I love using my imagination to create ...
I love nothing more than enjoying a warm cup of tea and a quiet day with a good friend. Here’s a bit more about me: Things I Love: Drawing: My happy place is with a pencil in hand, bringing ideas to life on paper. Creative Writing: I love using my imagination to create ...