“WeAreSeven”:Summary •“WeAreSeven,”writteninballadformwithpartoftheevolvingfirststanzacontributedbyColeridge,isadialoguebetweenanarratorwhoservesasaquestionerandalittlegirl.•Inthispoem,thelittlegirlkeepstellingthenarratorthattherearesevenofthem,herbrothersandsisters,eventhroughtwoofthem(sisterJaneandbrother...
In William Wordworth's poem "We Are Seven" we see Wordsworth asking alittle girl about her siblings. The little girl says that there are seven of them,including two that are dead. Wordsworth tries to persuade the little girl thather two deceased siblings cannot be counted among the living ...
Using William Wordsworth's lyric 'We Are Seven' as an example, it aims to illustrate how a close reading of the poem leads naturally and effectively from an analysis of content to more general considerations of why and howdoi:10.1080/1358684X.2018.1551053Driver, Duncan...
Read Poem 19. A Farewell FAREWELL, thou little Nook of mountain-ground, Thou rocky corner in the lowest stair Of that magnificent temple which doth bound ... Read Poem 20. We Are Seven ---A Simple Child, That lightly draws its breath, And feels...
We Are Seven Expostulation and Reply The Tables Turned Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey The Fountain The Two April Mornings 'A slumber did my spirit seal' Song ('She dwelt among th' untrodden ways') 'Strange fits of passion I have known' ...
William Wordsworth succeeded in depicting the naivety of simple peasant children in his poems, such as (). 答案: A.Simon LeeB.We Are SevenC.Lucy Poems D.The Solitary Reaper正确答案:We Are Seven 点击查看答案 你可能感兴趣的试题 问答题 The Preface to the Lyrical Ballads served as the manifes...
as well as the fantastical conversational poem 'The Foster-Mother's Tale' and the melancholic 'The Nightingale'. Wordsworth's 'We are Seven' depicts a child's naive optimism in the face of the cruel mortality, while 'Goody Blake and Harry Gill' and 'Simon Lee' celebrate the simplicity and...
Poems:Iwanderedlonelyasacloud《我好似一朵流云独自漫游》LinesComposedaFewMilesAboveTinternAbbey《丁登寺杂 咏》1798 Ode:IntimationsofImmortality《不朽颂》1807TheSolitaryReaper《孤独的收割女》1805 Longandautobiographicalpoem:ThePrelude 《序曲》1798-1839 OtherWorks 《抒情歌谣集》LyricalBalladsColeridge柯尔律治 《...