Words can be backwards, forwards, diagonal or even inside another word. If you spell STOP, you'll get credit for STOP, TOP, and POTS. When Club Pogo Members play this exciting online word game they get access to Challenge Mode. In this expert game mode, you work your way through a se...
“You are always responsible for how you act, no matter how you feel.” ~ Robert Tew “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony” ~ Mahatma Gandhi “With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for goo...
acceleration Backwards benchmark Correcting Decrease Forwards frames greed hence Pause quiet resuming Standby stretched Amharic Klingon lojban Thorwald Alvaro amp ampanels Gamal Alps Chipset Dim Glide Inspiron Mobility Pointer Zagreb activities arise aspirations contributing contributory experiences Nebr...
Parents and educators rave about Bob Books apps: “With so many types of activities, this app will really help most children learn these thirty words backwards and forwards, so they stay learned.” --- Best Apps for Kids “Children starting to read will get a lot of enjoyment while learnin...
We often design forwards by seeking brilliance, but sometimes we need to design backwards by inverting the problem to avoid stupidity. (Image source:Maximillian Piras) (Large preview) Designing Backwards If we try to design the next abstraction layer looking forward, we seem to end up with somet...
Madi, did your math teacher ever make you show your work both forwards and backwards? Then you might add to your question "Is there a known civilization that did not have words"? If you can find a civilization that didn't have words, you might be able to deduce the answer to the que...
For reference, I like to think of myself as a Texoman–I divide time between the Lone Star State and Oklahoma. (Yeehaw, I guess?) I say “Y’all” religiously, Whataburger spicy ketchup runs through my veins, and I know my state songs forwards and backwards, partly due to overt/obno...
a slip and slide a wet playground you used to come to now it’s long shut down you understand things hoping now that satisfies but the sound cracks broken speakers the music distorts you can’t even talk a wall of pink noise you hope things remembering how you tried but these walls, ...
“vocal bands”.The vocal folds are a pair of structure that lies horizontally below the latter and their front ends are joined together at the back of the Adam's Apple.Their rear ends,however,remain separated and can move into various positions:inwards,outwards,forwards,backwards,upwards and ...
Parents and educators rave about Bob Books apps: “With so many types of activities, this app will really help most children learn these thirty words backwards and forwards, so they stay learned.” --- Best Apps for Kids “Children starting to read will get a lot of enjoyment while learnin...