英[wɜː(r)d] n.单词;话;歌词;诺言 v.说 网络字;言语;词汇 复数:words现在分词:wording过去式:worded 搭配 同义词 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 单词;歌词,台词 2. 谈话,话,言语 3. 音信,消息,传言,口信;【自】代码,字码;【生化】词组合 ...
A. put into water B. written with a dry swab C. heated by a lamp D. held far away from lamps 23. Which part of a magazine is the passage probably from? A. Healthy Food. B. Close to Nature. C. Energy Saving. D. Science in Daily Life. 【答案】 21.C 22.C 23.D 【解析】 ...
Part Three Written Test (47.5 Points)I. (0.5*10=5%56. Write the words you've learned in New Horizons according to the definitions given.1. beggar a person who lives by asking people for money or food.2 catch to get hold of something.3.suck t to take small bites of something, especi...
As a writer, I’ve journaled here and there in the past and have many journals in my nightstand and in my grandma’s hope chest but it’s been a hot minute since I’ve written in one. I can however, remember like yesterday getting one of those lockable diaries when I was young and...
poet, and then Samuel Coleridge, who had written the 6 (pioneer) work Lyrical Ballads with Wordsworth. Soon, 7 (draw) both by its natural beauty and a desire to be near these famous poets,other poets came 8 (live) in the Lake District. All of these poets were seen as part of the ...
【正确答案】ChineseCivilizationChinaisalong-standingcivilization.Eachhistoricalperiodhasitsowndetailedwrittenrecords,/passingonitsculturetothemodernday./Therefore,Chineseyoungpeoplehaveastrongsenseofculturaidentification./Tothem,theideaofpatriotismisofgreatimportance,/asithasrunconsistentlythroughoutallofChinesehistory. ...
(十六)Words in the Snow In the time of the Yellow Emperor, there were no written words.People recorded things by tying knots(打结) in ropes and carving(雕刻)shapes on stone walls.One day, the Yellow Emperor discussed an event with a wise man named Cang Jie. Cang took out a piece of...
5·阅读理解A)Words in the snow In the time of the Yellow Emperor, there were no written words. People recorded things by tying knots(打结) in ropes and carving(雕刻) shapes on stone walls.One day, the Yellow Emperor discussed an event with a wise man named Cang Jie. Cang took out a...
I have engaged decision makers without fear in the various forums I find myself in. I have written technical manuals & policy documents. I have implemented on-the ground projects. I have taught generations of students. I have done what I could. ...
Word in whom all words are graced,Do not bring us to the test,Give our clamant voices rest,And the rest is silence. – What If–by Malcolm Guite We can use our words wisely. Right? What if…we did? [I have often written about words. Here. They matter and don’t really go away...