With suffix-ineindicating "derived substance" (see-ine(1); also see-ine(2) for the later, more precise, use of the suffix in chemistry). Discovered in 1826 in indigo and at first calledcrystallin; it became commercially important in 1856 when mauve dye was made from it. As an adjective...
Frankfort upon the Main Frankreich: 1. France Franse: 1. frindge Franzose: 1. Frenchman Französisch: 1. French, French language Fratze: 1. grimace Frau: 1. wife | 2. madam, Mrs. | 3. woman Frauenrock: 1. skirt Frau des Hauses: 1. housewife Fraß: 1. meal Freibeuter: 1....
-ness () A suffix used to form abstract nouns expressive of quality or state; as, goodness, greatness. Nesslerize (v. t.) To treat or test, as a liquid, with a solution of mercuric iodide in potassium iodide and potassium hydroxide, which is called Nessler's solution or Nessler's test...
What rhymes with zon? Here's a list of words you may be looking for.Filter by syllables: All | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 Word: All | n | v | adj | adv Common Only: Rhyming Words run gun fun son churn turn burn earn learn shun spurn stern stun sun spun bun one...
A1 syllables noun and 4 letterswith the letterse, i, and n,2 consonants,2 vowelsand1 syllableswith themiddle letters in. Ninestarts with a consonant and ends with a vowelwith the starting lettersn,ni,nin, and the ending characters aree,ne,ine, .. ...
suffix (n.) "terminal formative, word-forming element attached to the end of a word or stem to make a derivative or a new word;" 1778, from Modern Latin suffixum, noun use of neuter of Latin suffixus "fastened," past participle of suffigere "fasten, fix on, fasten below," from ...
The Letter J words can come in very useful, particularly the two letter words with J: "JO" and "JA". Either of these words with J can be extended with a "Y" tile, and this makes for great parallel plays. Words with J in them are typically high scoring words. Here's a list of...
Find more words! gon See Also What is another word for gon? What is the opposite of gon? Sentences with the word gon Use our Rhyming Dictionary Nearby Rhymes gomphothere gomphotheres gomphrena goms gomusta gomuti gonad gonadal gonadotrope gonads gonaives gonangiaFind...
setting noun the context and environment in which something is set seven noun the cardinal number that is the sum of six and one several adjective (used with count nouns) of an indefinite number more than 2 or 3 but not many severe adjective intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degre...
Add a letter to the suffix: ANE BNE CNE DNE ENE FNE GNE HNE INE JNE KNE LNE MNE NNE ONE PNE QNE RNE SNE TNE UNE VNE WNE XNE YNE ZNEList of words All fields are optional and can be combined. Find a word Whose definition contains Starting with Ending with With letters and ...