intra- word-forming element meaning "within, inside, on the inside," from Latin preposition intra "on the inside, within, in, into;" of time, "during, in the course of," related to inter "between," from PIE *en-t(e)ro-, from root *en "in." Commonly opposed to extra-, and ...
What rhymes with degrees? Here's a list of words you may be looking for.Filter by syllables: All | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 Word: All | n | v | adj | adv Common Only: Rhyming Words biggies disease piggies displease fifties cities lilies pities hippies biddies pickies ...
Also compare put-up-able-with (1812). As a prefix in telegraphese, to replace not and save the cost of a word, it is attested by 1936. With the variety of its possible use, and the need for negatives, the number of un- words that might be made in English is almost endless, and...
At root, you may need to know how it all started. And in the case of today’s words, it started with Latin menda‘fault, defect’. That headed in three different directions. It added the suffix -icus‘pertaining to’ to give mendicus, literally ‘having fault’ or ‘faultlike’ ...
We have explored the many five-letter words with I that are available to us and why it is important to learn them. From word games such as Wordle, Scrabble, and Boggle to improving English vocabulary for tests like SATs or conversations, these 5 letter words with ‘i’ can be a great...
with the Lord year of our Lord get one's knickers in a knot herb Gerard sweet Mary mother of God like a martin to his gourd though I say it who should not Find more words! god See Also What is another word for god? What is the opposite of god? Sentences with the word god What...
Words that start with S Lists of words starting with S including those most commonly written / spoken, definitions, part of speech, and a very long list arranged by word length. Also includes countries that start with S, household items that begin with S, and more. Skip to the section yo...
GRE Root Words: the Strategy Root words (also called word roots) aresmaller, more basic words or word partsthat are modified by prefixes and suffixes to make more complex words. For example, “flam-” is a root word meaning “fire or burning,” which can be combined with various prefixes...
Also see words with g and v. abandonedly, abasedly, abashedly, abbeystead, abbeystede, abditory, abdominally, abdominocystic, abdominohysterectomy, abdominohysterotomy, abdominoscopy, abecedary, abidingly, abmodality, abody, aboundingly, abrayed, abridgedly, abruptedly, abscondedly, ...
ssword stac stackset standardasciifolding standardssd startlocalrun startpacketcapture startrun startswith starttask starttaskfailed starttime stateful statefulset statefulsets stateset statesets statetile staticsite statusdir stderror stdev stix stoppacketcapture stopresize stopword stopwords stor stor...