opposite, on the opposite side; on the contrary, contrariwise," mid-14c., from Latincontra(prep. and adv.) "against," originally "in comparison with," ablative singular feminine of*com-teros, from Old Latincom"with, together" (seecom-) +-tr, zero-degree form of the comparative suffix-...
we take a final exam at the end of the course. the one who watches reality tv shows, see the finale episode or the final episode of the season.in a race, the finish line is known as the end of it. 4. root word –phil – a greek word, meaning –to love. english word with...
good word 1. A favorable comment: She put in a good word for me. 2. Favorable news. have a word with To have a brief conversation with (someone); speak to. have no words for To be unable to describe or talk about. in a word In short; in summary: In a word, the situation is...
Many English words are formed by taking basic words and adding combinations of prefixes and suffixes to them. A basic word to which affixes (prefixes and suffixes) are added is called a root word be…
expend - Comes from ex-, "out," and pendere, "weigh; pay"; originally, it referred to spending money, with the root sense being "to weigh out money." preponderate - Once meant "weigh more" and "have greater intellectual weight." spend - A blend of Latin pendere, "pay, weigh," ...
Contranym Another word for autoantonym. Contronym Another word for autoantonym. Eponym A name from which another name or word is derived; e.g. Romulus giving rise to Rome, the word sandwich coming from the Earl of Sandwich.• From Greek epo (=on).• Take care not to confuse with ex...
can't live with them and can't live without them van Bogaert-Scherer-Epstein syndrome Find more words! terrorism See Also What is another word for terrorism? What is the opposite of terrorism? Sentences with the word terrorism What is the adverb for terrorism? What is the adjective for te...
What rhymes with follies? Here's a list of words you may be looking for.Filter by syllables: All | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 Word: All | n | v | adj | adv Common Only: Rhyming Words hollies collies volleys ollies realis tollies thalis sfihas palkis dollies copies joll...
(each other) by contrast," from French contraster, modified by or from Italian contrastare "stand out against, strive, contend," from Vulgar Latin *contrastare "to stand opposed to, withstand," from Latin contra "against" + stare "to stand," from PIE [原始印欧语] root *sta- "to ...
expend - Comes from ex-, "out," and pendere, "weigh; pay"; originally, it referred to spending money, with the root sense being "to weigh out money." preponderate - Once meant "weigh more" and "have greater intellectual weight." spend - A blend of Latin pendere, "pay, weigh," ...