fabled serpent of ancient times, with a head at either end, late 14c.,amphibena, from Medieval Latin, from Greekamphisbaena, fromamphis"both ways" (seeamphi-) + stem ofbainein"to go, walk, step" (from PIE root*gwa-"to go, come"). ...
13. Amphirhina : AMPHI rhina (am fi rie’ na) n. Vertebrates with double nasal chambers 14. Amphiscians : AMPHI scians (am fish’ i ans) n. Inhabitants of the tropics 15. Amphitheater : AMPHI theater (am fi thee’ at er) n. Arena theater in which the audience sits around...
There are 271 eight-letter words with r, m, o, u in any position. Here are the first 100. Click "More" for more 8-letter words. Add More Filters aerobium alumroot amberous amokuras armoured armourer auriform ausforms belamour biramous bohriums boomburb bothrium brougham budworms chromi...
There are many root words utilized within the scientific field, such as iso-, hetero-, pod-, aqua-, bio-, and ab-. An extensive list of root words is included below; root words are broken down into alphabetic categories with their meaning and an example of the root word being used. ...
Words with d and y: djinny. dlvy. doability, doaty, dobby, dobsonfly, doby, dobzhansky, docibility, docilely, docility, docimasy, docimology, docity, dockyard, dockyardman, dockyards, doctorally, doctorially, doctorly, doctrinality, doctrinally, doctrinarily, doctrinarity, doc...
What is another word for monarch? What is the opposite of monarch? Sentences with the word monarch What is the adverb for monarch? What is the adjective for monarch? What is the noun for monarch? Use our Rhyming Dictionary Nearby Rhymes Monam Monandrian Monarchians monamine monamines monand...
When we notice something new, like an unusual word, we start seeing it more often. It feels like it's become more common but really we're just more alert to it, and we confuse our attention with reality itself. Hence conspiracy theories. babbitt A reference to the eponymous (see eponymou...
What is another word for walkers? What is the opposite of walkers? Sentences with the word walkers What is the adverb for walkers? What is the adjective for walkers? What is the noun for walkers? Use our Rhyming Dictionary Nearby Rhymes Walkes walkathons walkaway walkaways walke walked walk...
(1861) "Pluto, king of the dark Avern." Wolfe named his deadly flower from the Latin word, associated with poison, death, and the underworld.1 Bacele baculus ceremonial Roman staff. baldric a belt or girdle, usually of leather and richly ornamented, worn pendent from one ...
(prep.) "over, against, opposite; instead, in the place of; as good as; at the price of; for the sake of; compared with; in opposition to; in return; counter-," from PIE*anti"against," also "in front of, before" (from root*ant-"front, forehead," with derivatives meaning "in...