"pertaining to or resembling the yew," 1888, with -ine (1) + Latin taxus "yew tree," which presumably is connected to (but not directly from) Greek toxon "bow" (see toxic), yews being anciently the usual wood for making bows. The Greek word has been regarded as a loan-word from...
If you want to run the full QA check of this project, just run tox on the command line while venv is active: $ tox This commands runs the tests with pytest, checks for PEP8 compliance with flake8, and for type hinting consistency with mypy. If everything goes well, the last lines...
root ball round ball school ball set ball shall call shall fall sharp call sharp fall should fall show hall sky fall snack stall snow fall stands tall stood tall tar ball thin wall time-ball walks tall white squall will stall wing wall would stall you-all your call behind the eight ball...
withy wowie xiexie yeppity yipee appeasatory binbashi bivy compositry comradely congee connectively dasturi eastly ecology ecopoetry eery exultancy fady festy ghosty inexperiencedly innovatively insignificantly insultingly intoxicatedly lamprey langley larvae lavy manifoldly manny nosey nutritively obligated...
from passwordgen.worddict import WordDictionary; print(WordDictionary.parse('PATH_TO_SOURCE'))" > PATH_TO_OUTPUT with the appropriate subsititions, or if you do not have passwordgen installed, you can do the same command from the root directory of this project by replacing passwordgen with ...
(t) hundred center head hand color time cut;kill havingtodowithastateor country tocryout toclose gettoknow heart body universe;order;beauty ruleby tobelieve;totrust cross hidden;secret blame;fault toliedown care torun;togo circle;wheel agod ten ten tenth people evilspirit skin two;twice ...
Must not be confused with emys (q.v.). 2) muscle (from mouse shape) - endo-, peri-, epimysium, myasthenia, myalgia. Usually in form of myo: myology, myocardium, myotome, myomere, myometrium myri- countless myco- mucous, mucus (mycocyte, Mycobacteriaceae) myx- (G) slime, mucus...
rootball roundball rupaul salol seawall seuerall shearwall slamball sourball sportsball springall stanol stoolball stoopball streetball sunfall swingball taxol throughfall throwball tosol townball trackball trapball untell vanhall verrall wall withall withcall withdrawl worral abdal argoile backshell ba...