*paəwr-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "fire." It forms all or part of:antipyretic;burro;empyreal;empyrean;fire;pyracanth;pyre;pyretic;pyrexia;pyrite;pyro-;pyrolusite;pyromania;pyrrhic;sbirro. It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskritpu, Hittite...
bottom of the sea, sea-bottom Meerrettich: 1. horse-radish, horseradish Meerschweinchen: 1. guinea-pig Megäre: 1. shrew, vixen, Xanthippe Mehl: 1. flour, meal Mehrwehrtsteuer: 1. VAT Mehrwertsteuer: 1. VAT Meile: 1. mile Meinung: 1. opinion | 2. meaning Meise: 1. titmouse ...
by the entrails of animals sacrificed, Extispicy^, Hieromancy^; by the entrails of a human sacrifice, Anthropomancy^; by the entrails of fishes, Ichthyomancy^; by sacrificial fire, Pyromancy^; by red-hot iron, Sideromancy^; by smoke from the altar, Capnomancy^; by mice, Myomancy^; ...
“They called the period from July 3 to August 11, ‘caniculares dies’–‘the Dog Days’” []. Allen in Star Names says that Pliny said the dog days began with the helical rising of of the alpha star of Canis Minor, Procyon (pro-cyon meaning ‘before the dog’), on the 19th of...
Words rhyming with Transgress: Stress, Distress, Express, Impress, Digress, Dress, Undress, Press, Repress, Suppress, Address, Caress, Confess etc (4,043 results)
Proto-Indo-European root meaning "stranger, guest, host," properly "someone with whom one has reciprocal duties of hospitality," representing "a mutual exchange relationship highly important to ancient Indo-European society" [Watkins]. But as strangers are potential enemies as well as guests, the...
"the production of fire or heat," 1858; seepyro-+genesis.Pyrogeneticis attested from 1855 as "having the property of producing heat;" by 1838 in geology as "produced by heat." *gene- *genə-, also*gen-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "give birth, beget," with derivatives referrin...
pyro- , , , ,fire(火),hot(热) quad(ric) , , , ,four(四), fourfold(四重) quali- , , , ,quality(质、资格、质量) quant- , , , ,quantity(数、量) quasi , , , ,analogy(类似), to-be(准), half(半) -que (~~n,抽象名词) 表概念 quer , , , ,search(寻找), see...