We have a full list of words with A so take your time. Use our scrabble word finder to help you find more words you can make for scrabble while you are here. Get scrabble help with some of our articles with great tips and tricks. We use the official scrabble dictionary for all our ...
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskritkama-muta"moved by love" and probablymivati"pushes, moves;" Greekameusasthai"to surpass,"amyno"push away;" Latinmovere"move, set in motion;" Lithuanianmauti"push on." ...
fall off the back of a truck as snug as a bug in a rug associated press stylebook pacify Iraq non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock Find more words! eunuch See Also What is another word for eunuch? What is the opposite of eunuch? Sentences with the word ...
mutably novenary numerary obsolescently offertory parergy parolee participatory peasantry penally perfidy perfumery prebendary presciently raspatory rediscovery sanatory sanity satisfactorily savagely sciomancy skulduggery skullduggery slaphappy slinkily sodomy subtilty suddenly superiorly suppletory supremely surre...
ob - (with Acc.) on account of, for the sake of, for (preposition): obtain, obtest obeo, obire, obii, obitum - to go up against, meet; die (verb): obituary obitus, obitus m - downfall, death, setting (of the sun) (noun): obituary oblecto, oblectare, oblectavi, oblectatum...
I am watching the Nova special on Tibetan art in Mustang, and I had to share the following sentence with you: “There are many words for ‘mud’ in Lo Monthang, but none of them are as important as gyang.” I don’t think I’ve ever heard the English word “mud” mentioned so ...
(b) An island from Spanish (with the root meanings below each word). While there are nine words, it can be seen that there are only three root meanings. (a) (b) 2.2. Results A distribution of the frequency of all components smaller than the giant component can be seen in Figure 2,...
muta – L – to change – mutation myces, mycetes- (G) fungus (mycelium, mycology, mycosis); used both as prefix and suffix in names, e.g., Mycetozoa, Schizomycetes myel- (G) marrow (myelencephalon, myelin, myelitis, myeloblast, myelocyte, myelogenous, myeloid, poliomyelitis) my(o...
ve haf vays of making you talk Find more words! o'clock See Also What is another word for o'clock? Sentences with the word o'clock Use our Rhyming Dictionary Nearby Rhymes O'Connor Oconto o'clair o'clockish o'connell ockerdom ockerism ockerisms ockers ockham's ocnophil ocoteFind...
mutabbaq nunataq rattleback semisatiric slimebag spagiric tupilaq winebag cognatic venatic bad luck hard work car park good luck theme park zig-zag ack-ack black mark go dark hash mark loan shark can work day's work dog park find work good work ground shark jet lag lame duck main drag...