Prefixes, suffixes, or other root words add meaning to the root. If students understand the meaning of these different components, they get a clue to the meaning of the whole word. For example, tele-, a suffix meaning far, added to the root "graph" which means write, makes "telegraph"...
For example, “cede” is a root word for other words like “recede” or “precedent,” but it is also a word on its own (meaning “to give up”). On the other hand, the root word “struct” does not constitute an understandable word in itself and other letters need to be added ...
we take a final exam at the end of the course. the one who watches reality tv shows, see the finale episode or the final episode of the a race, the finish line is known as the end of it. 4. root word –phil – a greek word, meaning –to love. english word with...
graph (draw, write) – graphic id, ido (shape) – idol, idolize kudo (glory) – kudos log (thought, word, speech) – logic, logical mim (repeat) – mimic par, para (beside or near) – parallel, parameter sacchar (sugar) – saccharin ...
online. But dictionaries were not handed down from Mount Sinai all completed. Someone — or some people, to be more precise — had to write them. Someone had to come up with the definitions of all the words, as well as the pronunciations and the etymology, or where the words come from...
A fall from the sublime to the commonplace. battologize To write or repeat words or phrases. bauhaus A school of architecture and design developed in Germany in 1918, which emphasized the functional aspect of objects over their form. bavardage Foolish or nonsensical talk with a touch of ligh...
with certainty, than anything else I know. Indeed, it’s the duty of everyone who knows the Good News to share it with others, in the hope that they will come to love, respect and accept with gratitude to God the priceless gift which He offers freely to everyone. Peoples’ individual ...
-graph modern word-forming element meaning "instrument for recording; that which writes, marks, or describes; something written," from Greek-graphos"-writing, -writer" (as inautographos"written with one's own hand"), fromgraphe"writing, the art of writing, a writing," fromgraphein"to write...
RootwordDormOriginMeaningExampleLatinSleepDormitory,dormant RootwordFormOriginMeaningExampleLatinShapeFormation,deform RootwordFraterOriginMeaningExampleLatinBrotherFraternity,fratricide RootwordGeoOriginMeaningExampleGreekEarthGeology,geography RootwordGraphOriginMeaningExampleGreekDraw,writeGraphic,photograph RootwordHexOrigin...
Grasping the meaning of material Level One verbs plus associate, compute, convert, defend, discuss, distinguish, explain, generalize, infer, paraphrase, predict, rewrite, summarize, review, estimate, extend, translate, give, compare, describe, differentiate, illustrate, reorder, and rephrase. Level...