TheseROOT-WORDSareFLECT & FLEXfrom the Latin, flectere, toBEND. Roots which combine easily with other ones are the most interesting. This one with its various spellings is one of these. The word list used eighteen words to combine with FLEX, FLECT & FLICK and every combination makes a goo...
让你一眼认出英语单词的意思(Letyourecognizethemeaningof Englishwordsatoneglance) TeachyoutorecognizethemeaningofEnglishwordsatone glance Pleasethinkaboutit.WhoinventedEnglish?Englishpeople! DoesEnglishpeopleknowChinese?Incognizance!Well,when EnglishpeoplelearnEnglishwords,dotheyneedtoremember theChinesemeaningsofthe...
the Feder League 157, ferv boiling, hot 158, fict, fig shaping, fiction 159, FID trust 160, fil line 161, flat blows 162, flect, flex bend 163, flict strike 164, frag, fract break, fold 165, frig cold 166, fug fled, scattered 167, fund, found bottom, foundation 168, GAM marriage...
(i) ferv fid,fidel fin firm fix flect,flex flor flu,flux form fort fract,fring frater,fratr fund,fus (found) gam gastr gate,gen ge,geo gen,gener, genit,gon ger,geront ger,gest gloss,glot glyph gno gon grad,gress grand graph,gram grat hard force;power on;at;besides;after equal;...
In fact, English radical schoolcalled "root", also commonly used in more than 200, they are like the26 letter of the same common and important, like Chinese radicals as common andimportant, which is an important part of learning English lesson. We shouldstudy, learning English should be ...
需要金币:*** 金币 (10金币=人民币1元)【学习】[转]教你一眼认出英语单词的意思(太绝了,可惜知道太晚了,本尊([learning] [transfer] teach you to recognize the meaning of words in English (great, but know too late, I).doc 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 【...
flect,flex flor flu,flux form fort fract,fring frater,fratr fund,fus (found) gam gastr gate,gen ge,geo gen,gener, genit,gon ger,geront ger,gest gloss,glot glyph gno gon grad,gress grand graph,gram grat hard force;power on;at;besides;after equal;even work towander race;culturalgroup ...
thewordmeaningyoucanunderstandit toseelightsuddenly.Thiscangreatlyenhanceyourability of"theEnglishwordsofknowledge",trulyknowawordandits Chinesemeaningonlyasageneralreference. Forafewexamples: Forexample,thewordrepresentative,pleasedon'ttellmeyou knowthisword,youdon't"know"thisword,youareonly relationshipwith...
需要金币:*** 金币 (10金币=人民币1元)二外教授教你如何一眼认出英语单词的意思(太绝了,可惜知道太晚了)(As a professor to teach you how to recognize the meaning of words in English (too far, but know too late)).doc 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 二外...
flect,flex , , , ,to bend(弯曲) flex,flect , , , ,to bend(弯曲) eg. reflex反省 flict , , , ,to strike(打击) flor , , , ,flower(花) flu , , , ,to flow(流) -fold (~~adj) "倍数" -folk (…人) foli , , , ,leaf(叶子) for- , , , ,away from ,禁止,...