2024 The Public Policy Institute of California, a think tank that conducts vigorous and objective research into vital state issues, is celebrating its 30th anniversary with a series of retrospective reports. Dan Walters, The Mercury News, 13 Dec. 2024 Definition of retrospective ...
These words, bicronym and polycronym, suggest the need for still another word. The words bicronym and polycronym are formed by breaking up the combining form acro- (from the Greek acros meaning ‘highest’) into a- and cro- and combining bi- or poly- with cro-. A word thus formed ...
word-forming element meaning "back, back from, back to the original place;" also "again, anew, once more," also conveying the notion of "undoing" or "backward," etc. (see sense evolution below), c. 1200, from Old Frenchre-and directly from Latinre-an inseparable prefix meaning "again...
巨头畸形 micro- small microbiology * * Prefixes Prefix Meaning Example Meaning hemi- half hemigastrectomy cutting out or removal of half of the stomach hemiparalysis 偏瘫,半身不遂 retro- backward retro/lingu/al behind the tongue * * Prefixes Prefix Meaning Example Meaning sym-, with symbiosis ...
You can move the sign GIVE away from you to signify that you are giving something to someone. You can move the sign GIVE from one person to another to signify that the first person is giving something to the second person. You can do this with many signs, such as: TELL, ASK, and ...
1) mouse - used as prefix and suffix of names of mouselike animals, e.g. Mysateles, Geomys. Must not be confused with emys (q.v.). 2) muscle (from mouse shape) - endo-, peri-, epimysium, myasthenia, myalgia. Usually in form of myo: myology, myocardium, myotome, myomere, ...
You can move the sign GIVE away from you to signify that you are giving something to someone. You can move the sign GIVE from one person to another to signify that the first person is giving something to the second person. You can do this with many signs, such as: TELL, ASK, and ...