On the other hand, the root word “aud” (which comes from Latin) cannot be used by itself and has to be combined with other letters to form words like “auditorium,”“audition,” and “audible.” Because many root words are of Latin or Greek origin, they don’t make sense as ...
One useful method for building vocabulary through root words is to first look at the base word and then look for familiar prefixes and suffixes that go with that base. Let’s try an example: the base word “struct-.” It comes from ...
In contrast, a root is the basis of a new word, but it does not typically form a stand-alone word on its own. For example, the word reject is made up of the prefix re- and the Latin root ject, which is not a stand-alone word. Latin RootDefinitionExample ambi both 两者都 ambiguou...
also, check the one word substitution questions & answers asked in various government exams. 7. root word –fact – coming from the latin language – m eaning –something that is “made” or “done”. let’s check the different words with this root word – factory: is a place where ...
example: the base word “struct"It comes from the Latin word meaning “build". By2.(it), “struct" is not a word, but it isthe basis for many words in English. For example,the word “construct” is a verb that means “tobuild". The prefix “con” means “together” or“with”....
33、al features 超音段特征超音段(比音位更大的语言单位) stress (单词,句子层面):the location of stress in English distinguishes meaning.Syllable音节:A syllable nucleus (often a vowel) with optional initial and final margins (often consonants)单音节词多音节词英语单词都有重读音位学中,单词由音节构成...
骤发剧烈腹痛,初起时剑突下偏右呈发作性胀痛,迅速波及全腹呈持续性,并向后腰背放射,伴恶心、呕吐。查体:体温38.9℃,血压 110/80mmHg, 脉搏 110 次/分, 呼吸 32 次/分; 心肺检查(-),全腹膨隆,伴明显肌紧张及广泛压痛、反跳痛。B超显示肝脾大,胰腺明显肿大,尤以胰头、胰尾明显。实验室...
Superstition, the theologians tell us, comes from the Latin supersisto, meaning to stand in terror of the Deity. Most people keep their terror within bounds, but they cannot root it out, nor do they seem to want to do so.Detailed R 47、eadingDR-p8-text8. The more the teaching of ...
Latin and Greek,the former language were mostly connected with science and abstract ideas,while the latter were mostly literary,technical and scientific words. ---Q:What are the reasons for the frequent appearance of neologisms? 1、The rapid development of modern scienceand technology. 2、Social,...
( ) 47. Structura 14、lly, idioms can never be changed. ( ) 48. The four major foreign contributors to the development of English vocabulary are Latin, Greek, French and Scandinavian.( ) 49. Relative synonyms may differ in denotation, connotation and application.( )50. The contemporary ...