1 V.Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge.It is a secondary energy source which meansthat we get it from the conversion(转化)of other sources of energy,lol?coal,natura...
If you telep hon e him early in th e day, whil e h e is sharing or ha ring breakfast, th e tim e of th e call shows that the matter is rery urgent and requires immediat e attenti on. It is th e sam e with telephon e calls mad e after 11:00pm. If someon e receives ...
This page contains every English word that begins with the letter "T" in SpanishDictionary.com, the world's leading Spanish-English dictionary.
teleeye.com (1) 除非其語義受文中語境所限,下列第一欄內詞語的涵義在第二欄中 相對位置顯示。 teleeye.com teleeye.com [...] add to paragraph 02210, subparagraph (v),thewords“creativity and”inthecontextofUNESCO’s contribution to the “culture ...
telemid tweeded twilted unballasted untimid unturbid unvalid wisted wotted xantusid xenopid arcid baenid biacid colid crambid fomented gazid henid lipide lotid miacid parented photid picid prebid salpid todid tumulted worsted baldheaded carbureted dastarded gruid minareted multistoried over...
Historical facts regarding th e effects of telev D. Personal accounts and opinions of thos e who(2) According to th e passag e , how does th e wr iter keep himself from getting addicted to the Internet ? A. By using outdated laptops with poor Internet B. By keeping th e electroni ...
It speaks mor e plainly tha n words. T im e communicates in many ways.Consider th e different parts o f th e day, f or example. T h e tim e o f th e day when somet hing is don e can giv e a special meaning to th e event. It is not customary to telephon e some o...
root words from the greek language root words meaning examples meter/metr measure thermometer, perimeter tele far off television, telephone psycho soul; spirit psychology, psychic therm heat thermal, thermometer techno art; science; skill technique, technological pseudo not genuine, false pseudonym, ...
Found 52190 words that end in n. Check our Scrabble Word Finder, Wordle solver, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words that end with n. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! Related: Words that start with n, Words ...
retraxit tippet turnspit lamplit midwicket niblet nougat retrorocket bosset collet colliquate did microunit photoemit postposit rarebit tebibit telemarket unprofit winnet bioclimate cheeselet collaret countergambit feuillet guillet inexplicit sleazebucket cohibit coinhabit coinherit enhabit inordinate micro...