snippersnappers solderabilities sophistications southeastwardly southwestwardly specializations spermatogeneses sphenoethmoidal sphincteroscopy spinicerebellar spiritousnesses splanchnomegaly stadtholdership staphylorrhaphy steadfastnesses stentoriousness stereochemistry stereochromatic stereoisomerism stoicheiometric ...
with the urinary system and its diseases * * Suffix Meaning Example (o)rrhaphy suturing, herniorrhaphy surgical repair of a hernia by suturing the abdominal wall -cyte noun marker leukocyte referring to a cell white blood cell -blast a cell that is hemocytoblast undifferentiated, an immature ...
Match each of the following definitions with its correct term: Analyze and define the following word: "lymphoma". (In this exercise, analysis should consist of separating the word into its prefix, combining form, and suffix, and giving the meaning of the w...
1) mouse - used as prefix and suffix of names of mouselike animals, e.g. Mysateles, Geomys. Must not be confused with emys (q.v.). 2) muscle (from mouse shape) - endo-, peri-, epimysium, myasthenia, myalgia. Usually in form of myo: myology, myocardium, myotome, myomere, ...