Normally I only do 1 post each month for ourwhen you only have a minute series, but since posting thedigraph ch- last week, I thought it should be quickly followed up with sh- words. So here is a free sh- word wheel for your kids to enjoy! What you need You’ll need scissors a...
Each of the riddles on this page can be solved by choosing a ch or sh word. 1st and 2nd Grades Ch-Sh Lists Make a list of words that start and end with ch, as well as a list that starts and ends with sh. 1st and 2nd Grades Sh - Ch Sentences Write the letters ch or sh on...
Write Words That Start With Consonant Blends and Digraphs #8 Think of and write words that start with spr, str, and thr. Then add up how many you have of each. Write Words That Start With Consonant Blends and Digraphs #9 Think of and write words that start with sh, wh, and wr. Th...
Our table of nonsense words with digraphs and double consonants (ch, sh, th, ng, ck, ss) can be printed below and is a great resource for teaching these fundamental phonetic concepts. Digraphs (like ‘ch’, ‘sh’, ‘th’) and double consonants (‘ng’, ‘ck’, ‘ss’) form anothe...
Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs: CLConsonant Blends Page Missing Letter Printouts To subscribe to Enchanted Learning, click here. If you are already a site member, click here. Enchanted Learning Search Search the Enchanted Learning website for: ...
It may be helpful for people looking for words that contain r, and words with r. aardvark, aardvarks, aardwolf, aardwolves, abampere, abamperes, abaser, abasers, abater, abaters, abator, abators, abattoir, abattoirs, abbreviate, abbreviated, abbreviates, abbreviating, abbreviation, ...
Work on digraphs with these FREE printable SH words worksheets! 16 page set focusing on the sh wound at the beginning of words!
Journal of Memory and Language, 53, 567-593.Andrews, S., Woollams, A., & Bond, R. (2005). Spelling- sound typicality only affects words with digraphs: Further qualifications to the generality of the regularity effect on word naming. Journal of Memory and Language, 53, 567-593....
Digraphs 2: -ch Trigraphs 1: -tch Week 1 Checkup: Formative Assessment Digraphs 3: Sh Digraphs 4: -sh Words 1: where, to, put, of, said, have C+K: -ck Spelling Pattern Week 2 Checkup: Formative Assessment Digraphs 5: Th Digraphs 6: -th Words 2: why, too, for, go, he, sh...
Consonant digraphs and trigraphsare combinations of two or three characters that produce a single sound. Such as chat, shoe, that; ch, sh, th, w... R-controlled vowelsare those in which the sound of the vowel is altered by the presence of a r, as in car, fur, and horn. ...