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By 1926, it was said to be "too great a favorite with the ladies, who have charmed out of it all its individuality and converted it into a mere diffuser of vague and mild agreeableness." [Fowler] "I am sure," cried Catherine, "I did not mean to say anything wrong; but itisa nice...
Phonograms searching coming soon due to many users searching such as "words ending with a multiple phonogram" Root word search. Show with prefix and suffix options, only if it has a root word. Alternative spelling of words from American English to British English. Mouse over example: Color Pri...
Unusually for me, the poems all had a fantasy/sci-fi flavour: ‘Receiver’, ‘Reverie’, ‘In Transit’, ‘Visitations’ and ‘Managed Invasion’. Another thank you to Strider for including my work in Vol 11 of the Lothlorien Poetry Journal –‘Windmills of the Mind’ – a beautiful book...
Advertisements: Use the search bar to look for terms in all glossaries, dictionaries, articles and other resources simultaneously This is a list ofLatin words with derivatives in English(and other modern languages). Note that ancient orthography did not distinguish between i and j or between u ...
Show with prefix and suffix options, only if it has a root word. Alternative spelling of words from American English to British English. Mouse over example: Color Printable & downloadable word lists. Frequency of a words appearance in books, and other texts. Allow word find such as "words ...
as inenthusiasts a person with a strong and habitual liking for somethinganaficionadoof the sci-fi series who has seen all the movies several times Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance enthusiasts fans lovers admirers fanatics addicts devotees ...
Words That Start With E | 2,815 Scrabble Words | Word Find We’ve put together a list of 2,815 words that start with the letter "E" for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends. We’ve organized this list by starting with the highest scoring Scrabble words, and then by the ...
Q: What is the longest S word and how many letters does it have in it? A: The word succinylsulphathiazole is 22 letters long. Q: What is the shortest word that starts with S? A: “so” is a two letter word. Q: What countries start with the letter S? A: Saint Helena, Saint ...
Hello could you please help me with an excel question about how to take a cell with a word and make that word in the cell an action. Example the word buy or sell make it a plus or a subtraction so I c... Riny_van_Eekelen ...