Prefix ANTI is widely used to form new words which may convey totally different meanings. A Prefix is placed before a root word to make a new word. These ROOT-WORDS are ANTI & ANT, the Prefixes which mean AGAINST. Here is the list of words with the Prefix ANTI. Antacid Antagonism ...
di-: This prefix has a strong connection with theme-group of prefixes discussed above. Theme-groupindicates the Active voice where the actor is the main focus while thedi-prefix creates a verb indicating the Passive voice where the main focus of the sentence is on the action or the object o...
anti (against)–antifreeze, antibiotic mid (middle) Midwest, midnight under (too little, not enough)–underfed, underweight co (with)–copilot, cooperation post (after)–postpone, post-natal para (beside)–paramedic tri (three)–triangle uni (one)–universe, universal ...
Scholars guess that English has about 600 000 words, but there are probably more. New words continue to come into the language at such a rate that no dictionary could possibly keep up with them. The old words which were born centuries ago in the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic and French languages ...
答:(1) prefix: dis- & meaning: showing an opposite stem type: added to verbs or nouns examples : disapprove, “do not approve” dishonesty, “lack of honesty”. (2) prefix: anti- meaning: against, opposed to stem type: added to nouns or adjectives examples : antinuclear, “opposing th...
existing beforehand; introductory to," from Latinante(prep., adv.) "before (in place or time), in front of, against," also used in compounds, from PIE*anti-"facing opposite, against," inflected form (locative singular) of root*ant-"front, forehead," with derivatives meaning "in front ...
transferredPrefix/Suffix Words transferredRelated Words referred 5/5 « refer verbmake reference to name; bring up; advert; mention; cite. His name was mentioned in connection with the invention verbbe relevant to touch on; relate; pertain; have-to doe with; bear on; touch; come to; conce...
Ever felt like you're drowning in a sea of unfamiliar English words? Don't worry, you're not alone! Many of us struggle with the sheer volume of vocabulary in the English language. But what if I told you there's a secret weapon that could help you conquer this lin...
Some root words can be used independently, while others need to be combined with a prefix (i.e., letters at the beginning), a suffix (i.e., letters at the end) or another root word (e.g., -logue) to form a standalone word. Root wordMeaningExamples act to do react, action, act...
A.inter- B.over- C.anti- D.out- 查看答案