The root is the Latin word "script," which refers to writing. Other words with this root include: scribe, transcribe, inscription (all of which similarly have to do with writing). The root is the Latin word "nomen," which means "name." This is because the word "nominate" originally me...
1754, "a distinguishing name;" 1809, "a surname;" from Latin, from assimilated form ofcom"with, together" (seecom-) +(g)nomen"name" (from PIE root*no-men-"name"). The last of the three names by which a Roman citizen was known (Caius JuliusCsar, Marcus TulliusCicero). ...
Nomenitself is the word for the family name of a Roman citizen, the second of the three names usually given. A praenomen (meaning “before name”) is a first name, and a cognomen (“with name”) is the third name. (The word can also generically mean “name” and can refer to an ...
Harry: Shel? Sheldon? No. No, you did not have great sex with Sheldon. Sally: I did too! Harry: No you didn’t. A Sheldon can do your income taxes. If you need a root canal, Sheldon’s your man. But humpin’ and pumpin’ is not Sheldon’s strong suit. It’s the name: ‘...
"word used instead of a noun to avoid repetition of it," mid-15c., from Old French pronon, pronom, and directly from Latin pronomen "word standing in place of a noun," from pro, here meaning "in place of," + nomen "name, noun" (from PIE root *no-men- "name"). The Latin ...
ob - (with Acc.) on account of, for the sake of, for (preposition): obtain, obtest obeo, obire, obii, obitum - to go up against, meet; die (verb): obituary obitus, obitus m - downfall, death, setting (of the sun) (noun): obituary oblecto, oblectare, oblectavi, oblectatum...
The lion of the tribe of Juda, the root of David, conquers you. He who cannot be conquered conquers you. Christ born. Christ suffering. Christ to come. Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy.’‘From there proceeding with healing steps, passing through cities, towns, farms, villages, forts, and...
Geocaching Toolbox has web interface to calculate any word or words you want: Word value (Digital root). "Xona Games" is 99%, by the way! :) Anoush Najarian examined dollar words to greater detail here, including examining a smaller word list of common words, in "Dollar Words with ...
Geocaching Toolbox has web interface to calculate any word or words you want: Word value (Digital root). "Xona Games" is 99%, by the way! :) Anoush Najarian examined dollar words to greater detail here, including examining a smaller word list of common words, in "Dollar Words with ...
multinominous (adj.) "having many names or terms," 1610s, from Late Latin multinominis "many-named," from multi- "many" (see multi-) + Latin nomen (genitive nominis) "name," cognate with Old English nama (from PIE root *no-men- "name"). ...