There are 271 eight-letter words with r, m, o, u in any position. Here are the first 100. Click "More" for more 8-letter words. Add More Filters aerobium alumroot amberous amokuras armoured armourer auriform ausforms belamour biramous bohriums boomburb bothrium brougham budworms chromi...
ROOT-WORDSareLUC, LUM, LUN & LUS. They come from the Latin lux, lucis & lumen. All meanLIGHT. LUMinary, to bring light to the eye. eLUCidate to bring light to the mind. Both bring brightness. This is a beautiful ROOT. No. 15, eLUCubrate, pictures a hard worker, perhaps an Abraham...
Check our Scrabble Word Finder, Wordle solver, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words starting with g. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! Related: Words that end in g, Words containing g...
The form shifted apparently on analogy of adverbial dative plurals in-um(as inwhilom"at one time," from Old Englishhwilum, from the source ofwhile). The same development also createdlitlumfromlittle,miclumfrommickle. Also comparerandom,ransom. The forms in-ndecreased from 14c. and faded out...
Check our Scrabble Word Finder, Wordle solver, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words starting with bl. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! Related: Words that end in bl, Words containing bl...
diablery, diabolarchy, diabolatry, diabolepsy, diabolically, diabolify, diabology, diabolology, diacetyl, diacetylene, diacetylmorphine, diacetylmorphines, diacetyls, diachronically, diachrony, diachylon, diachylons, diachylum, diachylums, diachyma, diacritically, diacromyodian, diadochy, diagenet...
Other words with the root term- include: terminate, term, terminable. This is a conversion of the Latin words "illuminatus" or "illuminare," which mean "to light up" or "to cast into the light." However, the more baseline root is "lum," which means light. This word may be modified...
10. Filum : FIL um (fie’ lum) n. A thread 11. Filipendula : FILI pendula (fil i pen’ due la) n. A small genus of herbs that blooms perennially 12. Filiform : FILI form (fil’ i form) adj. Having the shape of a thread 13. Filiferous : FILI ferrous (fie lif’ ...
In some cases, root words might be slightly transformed en route to becoming part of words that we're familiar with. In the above example, "vowel" is a word that's clearly related to thevocroot and its family of derivative words, and yet the "c" invocis not present. There are severa...
rostrulum rototom scoundreldom scutulum sempervivum septulum smartmodem somatrem squirreldom stragulum striatum supergerm sutteeism sweetgum taxogram telegramme thiazinam trepipam tungstenum typogram undam unmuslim utinam vallidom vilesome voicegram vom withernam wobblesome abram antennogram asam cDOM...