Some root words can be used independently, while others need to be combined with a prefix (i.e., letters at the beginning), a suffix (i.e., letters at the end) or another root word (e.g., -logue) to form a standalone word. ...
Optionally, the 3 word address can be prefixed with /// (which would be encoded as %2F%2F%2F) words=index.home.raft or words=///filled.count.soap format optional Return data format type; can be either json (the default) or geojson format=geojson locale optional Locale to specify a ...
startswith starttask starttaskfailed starttime stateful statefulset statefulsets stateset statesets statetile staticsite statusdir stderror stdev stix stoppacketcapture stopresize stopword stopwords stor storageaccount storageaccounts storagecache storageclass storagecontainers storagedatalake storageimporte...
"to fund again or anew, replenish a (public) fund or debt," 1860, fromre-+fund(v.). With hyphenated spelling and full pronunciation of the prefix to distinguish it fromrefund. Related:Re-funded;re-funding. *gheu- Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to pour, pour a libation." ...
geo地球,土地 geography地理geology地质学 grad步,走,级 gradual逐步的graduate毕业 gram写,记录 diagram图表program节目单,方案 graph写,画,记录 photograph照像autograph亲笔,手稿 gress行走 progress进步retrogress后退 hap机会,运气,偶发 happen发生mishap灾祸 hospit客人 hospital医院hospitable好客的,殷勤的 insul岛 peninsu...
“to do in anger, vexation, or displeasure,” prefixed towönigū, “to hit with a stone or other object,” generates the verbšalapawönigū, “to hit with a stone in anger.” However,šalapaandwönigūare also compounded with other verbs, leading to multiple repetitions of words...
What rhymes with reactor? Here's a list of words you may be looking for.Filter by syllables: All | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 Word: All | n | v | adj | adv Common Only: Rhyming Words meander reacter factor georeactor bioreactor overreactor actor nonreactor piaster miasma extrac...
there are also common words used daily with Greek roots. Learning to identify the roots in words helps students to decipher unknown vocabulary. Below is a list of common words, science words and prefix\suffixes that are English words with Greek roots. [caption id=“attachment_130975” align...
“Geo” is the Greek word for “earth.” The suffix “logy” comes from the Greek word “logia,” meaning “speaking.” or “log.” meaning “word.” However, the use of this suffix in English has evolved to mean “the study” or the “science” of any discipline. The combination ...
What rhymes with penetrating? Here's a list of words you may be looking for.Filter by syllables: All | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 Word: All | n | v | adj | adv Common Only: Rhyming Words correlating alternating calculating generating numerating liberating stimulating devastating ...