players are given six chances to guess a five-letter word, where the appropriate colors will light up around specific letters to assist with figuring out the word of the day.
flue7 flus7 flux14 foal7 foam9 fobs9 foci9 foes7 fogs8 fogy11 fohn10 foil7 foin7 fold8 folk11 fond8 fons7 font7 food8 fool7 foot7 fops9 fora7 forb9 ford8 fore7 fork11 form9 fort7 foss7 foul7 four7 fowl10 foxy17 foys10 fozy19 frae7 frag8 frap9 frat7 fray10 free7 fret7...
Fluidity : FLU idity (Flue id’ it ee) n.The quality of a fluid; free flowing9. Fluidimeter : FLU idimeter (flue id im’ e ter) n.An instrument to measure fluidity10. Fluidism : FLU idism (flue id im’ e ter) n.The root-word FLU is derivative of FLUC.An instrument to meas...
fluey fluff fluid fluke fluky flume flump flung flunk flush flute fluty fluyt flyby flype flyte foals foams foamy focal focus foehn fogey foggy fogie fogle fogou fohns foids foils foins foist folds foley folia folic folie folio folks folky folly fomes fonda fonds fondu fones fonly fonts ...
(v.) "to float, drift; flow, run;"fleeting;flight(n.1) "act of flying;"flight(n.2) "act of fleeing;"flit;float;flood;flotsam;flotilla;flow;flue;flugelhorn;fluster;flutter;fly(v.1) "move through the air with wings;"fly(n.) "winged insect;"fowl;plover;Pluto;plutocracy;pluvial;...
hot-flue i threw ju-ju kung-fu made do makes do mis-shoe old-shoe pitch woo poo-poo print-through rough-hew screw-you self-view sell-through set screw side view sift through slip through still do straight through swine flu witches' brew world-view add new bao toh beef stew boo hoo ...
the state of not being influeced by personal involvement in something impartiality, neutrality, objectivity, detachment lack of interest in something indifference detachment (n) the state of being objective or aloof objectivity, disinterest a party of people similarly separated from a larger group ...
Point of View: It's Personal Plural and Possessive Names: A Guide What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See All 8 Words with Fascinating Histories ...
flue fordo got through ground crew haiku Hindu igloo lieu looked into maru musk shrew napoo nothing new ooh ortho phew pooh pooh-pooh pull through Renfrew rew running through seen through see you sneak preview tutu u wahoo walk through ...
3rd, electrical machinery.The development initial period, uses the single electrical machinery double air flue structure basically, the electrical machinery uses the oil-retaining bearing to be also many.Afterwards developed for the double electrical machinery double air flue, and occupied has attra[tran...